It’s been ages since the last time I wrote, sorry about that.
Both rooms are now finished, pictures are in the gallery on my website. We’re going to paint some of the furniture as well, but there’s no rush on that.
We’ve now got a new car! Picked it up last week, and are very pleased so far. It’s a Peugeot 307 from 2002 with a gold-yellow-colour. It’ll be a sad day when my old car is sold, but we need the money and we don’t need two cars, so it has do be done.
E has now been living here for a few weeks, and things are going wonderful. We’ve had his son D here several times, and we’re going along great. He loves his room and he loves my piano 😉
We’ve had vacation for the last two weeks, and are going back to work tomorrow. Can’t say that I’m looking forward to it, but I still haven’t found another way to get money.
Our vacation has been spent at home.
We took a trip to Nordens Ark on the 17th. Six wolves cubs have been born this year, but we only saw one of them. And for the first time, I got to see the otter. Pictures in my gallery.
E’s mother A and stephfather T came on the 20th and left on the 25th. E turned 37 on the 20th, so my mother and A picked up A and T at the train station and came to us for BBQ-ing. Pictures in my gallery. E was overwhelmed by all the presents, and he even got more the next day when we went shopping while waiting for our new car.
We had a water leakage on the 24th. The pipes from the bathroom upstairs was blocked, so it flooded into the floor upstairs and came down through the kitchen ceiling. T was very kind and helped us open up the pipes again, but there probably is water left in the floor upstairs. We’re going to start up a hot air fan in that room, hopefully it will help.
After dropping A and T off at the train station on the 25th, we went to Strömstad to visit K again. We also stopped at the wine and liquor shop to shop for K and T’s wedding in Haugesund in October.
Visited H on the 28th. Haven’t seen her for ages and they’re going to Crete for a week September 7th. Great to catch up with her again.
C and R have spent two weeks in Turkey with their children A and L. Haven’t seen them since they got home on the 27th, but I’m looking forward to hearing how the trip went.
We’ve had D most of our vacation. Sadly, S hasn’t been able to visit yet, but her room is ready and waiting for her when she finds the time.
My computer crashed the other day, and E spent three days trying to fix it. I started thinking about where to find money for a new one, but thanks to my clever boyfriend, it’s now working again. Luckily I’ve got backup of everything, so nothings lost.
A couple of weeks back, we saw a cow moose and her calf on the field next to our garden. Yesterday a lonely cow moose came into our garden! Quite an experience to have such a big animal so close, thank God she didn’t come closer!