Thursday November 20, I went to C to take pictures of her daughters. I took pictures of her oldest when she was 7 months, so we wanted to take pictures of her youngest now that she’s 7 months as well. In addition, we tried to take a picture she could use as Christmas cards, but I wasn’t successful with that, so we took more pictures three days later. You can see some of them in the folder My friends children in my gallery.
In October, I got a text message from two of my friends, telling me that I was going to Oslo with them November 22 for shopping and surprises. The three of us do this every year, but I usually get to be a part of planning. I picked up C and we picked up S, and we arrived in Oslo at about 2:30 pm. I was told that we had about 2 hours for shopping, so we walked around Byporten and Oslo City, but I didn’t find anything that I wanted. I didn’t know what we were going to do next, so S and I just followed C while C talked to her sister on the phone. When we stopped, C found out that her sister had guided us to the wrong place, so she called her againg and got the right directions. After having enough time to begin with, we now were in a hurry, alomst running through the streets of Oslo. And 30 seconds before we arrived to where we were going, C told me that I wouldn’t get any Christmas presents from either of them, because they were taking me to Edderkoppen Theatre to see Sound of Music with a Norwegian cast. It was just wonderful, I enjoyed it from start to end. But it was strange hearing the lyrics in Norwegian, since I only know them in English.
After this, we went to The Scotsman for dinner, and then drove home. Found E sleeping on the sofa and got him to bed at about 1:30 am.
Thank you S and C for a wonderful and brilliant Christmas present! Could get used to this you know 🙂
Yesterday it was time for the yearly Christmas party with work. E started getting a cold on Friday, so he should have stayed at home, but the thought of eating a good Christmas dinner made us go. We were at Haldens Klub (like last year). Just stayed for the announcements about who’s This years leader and This years coworker, then dinner, then a bit of chatting. Got home at about 10 pm and straight to bed. Pictures can be found in the folder Christmas party with work November 29, 2008 in my gallery.
Today we’re invited to a Christmas dinner at my mums, and I know it’s gonna taste much better than the good food we had yesterday 🙂
We have started planning the wedding. Lots to think about, lots to forget and hopefully remember before it’s too late 🙂 But you know me, always wanting to plan everything in good time 🙂