First of all: Ages ago, J postet this in her journal.
I took the test myself and planned on posting it, but I forgot all about it. But here’s my result, and I’m stunned over how true it came out:

You Are a Colon
You are very orderly and fact driven.
You aren’t concerned much with theories or dreams… only what’s true or untrue.
You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched.
You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren’t subject to whim or emotions.
Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice.
(But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!)
You excel in: Leadership positions
You get along best with: The Semi-Colon

We went to the swampy area on Friday, just to find out that the only way to get to the view tower was to cross a small river. At least we couldn’t find another way. But on our way towards the tower, we saw 7 cranes and lots of ducks. Two pictures can be seen in this album in my gallery.
We then drove to an old bridge a little bith further north. This is not in use anymore, but it’s amazing to see how it is constructed. Pictures can be found in this album in my gallery. And here’s a link to a Norwegian description of the bridge and it’s history: Glende bridge.

Yesterday we went to Nordens Ark. Haven’t been there since August, and it’s a tradition that we go there during Easter. Had a wonderful time with warm and sunny weather, pictures can be found here.

Just today and tomorrow left of the Easter holiday for this year. I’m having the CT scan on Thursday and a doctors appointment in two weeks, so after that I’ll know what’s wrong with my back and if I’m continuing with my partial sick leave.