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Getting photos developed…

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, July 25, 2007 20:59:27

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always asked for two copies of each photo I get developed. This way I can give one copy away or put it in a frame or something. I didn’t do anything different from usual when I sent a film for developing (yes, I still use a film based camera…) a couple of weeks ago, but still I only got one copy of the pictures.
Sent an email to the company, they told me to send in the negatives, and I’d get a second copy. So far so good, but when I got the envelope with the second copy, I discovered a black line running through a couple of the photos, it seemed like the negatives had been slightly off centre, so a bit of the next picture was on the previous picture.
Sent those to photos together with the correct negatives in today together with a letter for explanation, and now I’ll have to wait and see if the get it right this time.

The only new thing since the last time I wrote is the fact that I’m reading Harry Potter at every available moment, it’s almost as I don’t have the time to use the computer…and that’s strange when it comes to me 😉

And I almost forgot…I’ve finally started arranging the stag night for my friend SV since I’m his “best man” when he gets married in November. Obviously I can’t write anything about that, but it seems really great so far, and I hope he’ll have a day to remember, both with excitement, embarrassement, joy, laughter and love 🙂

Thank you!

Litt om det meste Posted on Mon, July 23, 2007 18:09:23

A huge thank you to K for making a banner for this blog! Hopefully I’ll be able to use it on the web site as well, but I couldn’t be bothered looking into that until I know it is up and running properly.

Several people obviously listened to me on the radio last week, have gotten a couple of congratulations at work today 🙂

The end of another weekend

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, July 22, 2007 17:14:46

Yesterday started with me cutting grass and picking red currants for my mum. A lot that still is unripe (is this the correct use of that word?), so I’ll check again next week.
Picked up C at about 4 pm and drove up to H’s house as I’m taking care of her outdoor flowers while she’s away. Everything looked fine, and since it’s raining all the time, I don’t have to water them. The movie (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) was great. Not any surprises, not too long and very true to the book. We then went to the pub Kongens, talked and watched people passing by, and had a pleasant evening.

Today has been extremely relaxing, haven’t done anything useful actually. I got the last Harry Potter-book yesterday, so I started reading it today. I don’t really want to put it down, but I get this terrible headace from reading in English and having to concentrate on translating as I go, so I just have to take breakes from time to time.

For some strange reason I’ve been extremely tired the last few Sundays, so I’m taking a nap every Sunday afternoon. Really makes me feel old…

Still haven’t heard anything from the woman with the dogs from Wednesday, but saw her walking past my house with her dogs earlier today, so I guess everything is fine with them. Arkas is now on a lead everytime we go outside, don’t want to take any chances.


Litt om det meste Posted on Fri, July 20, 2007 20:59:08

I won the flat screen!!! The radio called me up today just before todays contestant was going on air, and they told me that if she beat me, they wouldn’t talk to me, but if she didn’t beat me, I would go on air. So I was shaking, smoking and listening to her, but she couldn’t name a single one of the artists (I could only name one, so it was hard), and then I suddenly was on air live, being congratulated and asked wether I wanted the flat screen or the flight ticket. Easy choice really 🙂
So now I’ve got this “problem” on where to put the screen without Arkas being able to reach it, since he almost has ruined the telly I’ve got now. But I won’t let this become a real problem, I’m just going to smile and be happy about faith smiling at me 🙂

The plans for the weekend is to cut some grass (again!), and C and I are going to the movies to see the new Harry Potter-movie tomorrow. And I’ll have the last Harry Potter-book next week I guess, that’ll be exciting!

Ups and downs

Litt om det meste Posted on Thu, July 19, 2007 18:36:13

I think I’ve found out what the secret about life is… When you’re having a positive experience of some sort, you have to have a negative experience that brings you back down to earth, and most likely the negative thing will be much harder to deal with than the positive situation. As an example, this is how my yesterday was:

Work was as usual, nothing much happened.
As I drove home, I was listening to the Norwegian radio station P4 as usual, and they have this competition that I’ve tried to be picked out as a contestant for for ages. The competition is called “pop king”, and works like this: when you apply, you send a text message where you pick three of the letters in your first name. If you are todays lucky contestant, you’ll hear three songs where you must figure out which artist/group that plays. The names of the groups/artists will begin whith the letters you have picked out from your first name. The constestant with all three answers correct in the shortest time will be this weeks pop king, recieving a prize.
This week, the prize is a choice between a flight (I guess it is for a specific amount of money) or a flat screen, so they have made the competition a bit harder, by only playing a couple of seconds of the songs you have to recognize.
As usual, I sent a text message, but didn’t expect to be picked this time either, but I was wrong. They called me up, and my nerves started playing with me. But my goal all the times I’ve tried to be the contestant is to get the correct answer to all three songs, since I almost always can get the answers when I’m not on the air 🙂 I don’t mind that much about the prize really. Well, they played the three songs, and I kept repeating my letters in my head: r, s and t. The first song was with Tina Turner, so that came easy. I knew I’ve heard the other two a million times, but with a head working overtime, I couldn’t for the life of me remember who played them. Got to hear the three songs one more time, and the second one fell in place: Right Said Fred. The last one is a song I’ve never really liked, and haven’t taken notice of who’s playing, but suddenly it just popped into my mind: Scissor Sisters. Yippie, I did it! It all took 36 seconds, and if no one beats me today or tomorrow, I’ll have the choice between a flight or a flat screen! The contestant today couldn’t name one of the artists, so just one more to go tomorrow. But as I said, I’m pleased just to have named all three, prize or not.

Well, I was pretty excited because of this yesterday, but it’s funny how fast life brings you down again. Was out in the yard while Arkas was doing his business. I tried to rush him a bit, but he thought I called for him, so he came running and placed himself between me and the house, he was facing the road, unfortunately I wasn’t. I suddenly saw on his body language that he had seen something up on the road, I yelled no, and he stopped. When I was about to get him, he walked a few steps forward, and while I was trying to grab him again, I saw that there was a woman with two small dogs up there. I thought I had him under control, but I didn’t, and he ran off and up to the dogs while I was yelling no after him. Arkas have never been happy around other dogs, and my biggest fear is that he’ll do something terribly wrong and someone will demand that he’s put to sleep. While I was running after him, I heard the lady yelling no, I heard barking from all three dogs but didn’t hear any screams of pain. Once up on the road, while trying to get a hold of Arkas, I tried to look at his body language, and couldn’t see any agressive behaviour at all, but couldn’t take any chances. After a couple of runs around the woman, I grabbed him and pulled him out of the way, while asking the lady if it all went well. She said yes, but I told her to let me know if she found any wounds or something. She told me that this wasn’t my fault, but it truly was since my dog was off lead and not under control. So she agreed to letting me know if something was wrong, luckily I haven’t heard from her yet.
Okay, so nothing happened, at least not fysically. But I hate it when Arkas gets an experience like that. And just the thought of what kind of damage Arkas can have caused these two little ones just kills me. They might have been calm, great dogs with not a worry in life, but this one experience could have done serious damage about how safe they’ll feel when meeting other dogs in the future.
No more off lead for Arkas, that’s for sure. And I hope and pray that the two dogs are just as happy and healthy as they were before this experience!

Thoughts on a Sunday evening

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, July 15, 2007 20:46:25

Well, another weekend nearly over. The only person I’ve actually talked to since I left work Friday, is the woman in the shop just over the Swedish border. Went there to buy tobacco yesterday. But it hasn’t been bad being alone this weekend really, I’ve had lots to keep me busy.
Woke up extremely early today (0615am), and before 11am I had washed the second machine with laundry, vacuumed upstairs, removed the sheets from the bed, read a lot and spent some time in front of the computer. During the rest of the day, I’ve washed a third machine with laundry, made dinner, put new sheets on the bed and relaxed in front of the telly. And I put the curtains back up, together with the dream catcher I bought two weeks ago. Looks really nice! All in all, I’m satisfied with the day, I only regret a tiny bit that I didn’t cut the rest of the grass. It’s been sunny all day, but a terrible wind, so trying to get a tan wasn’t an option today.
Sunday evenings tend to be a bit depressing, as I can’t believe the weekend has gone by so fast, and I hate the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow. I really could use some vacation now, but I’ve got four weeks until that happens.


Litt om det meste Posted on Sat, July 14, 2007 22:06:26

It’s too good to be true, but I managed to cut the grass before the rain started! But I’m absolutely sure that if this weather continues the rest of the summer, I can grow rice instead of grass. Can’t remember having such a rainy summer since 1993, and even thought I’m not a fan of the sun and high temperatures, I would prefer if it at least would stop raining.
I also did the curtains today. Almost forgot them in the bath tub, but now they’re hanging outside under the roof, hopefully they’ll be dry enough to put back up tomorrow night.

This week

Litt om det meste Posted on Fri, July 13, 2007 21:53:04

Haven’t done much really this week. I’m back to working full time now, and as long as I’ve got enough to do, it’s really okay.
The plans for this weekend is to cut the grass if the weather keeps dry, take care of some laundry and rinse the drapes in my bedroom. Might even throw in some vacuuming upstairs, have to see what kind of level my energy will be at.
I’m taking care of my mothers flowers while she’s away, and I’ve killed the first one. Seems like it hasn’t gotten enough water, which is strange when it comes to me. I’m happy as long as the orchids survive!


Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, July 08, 2007 11:22:34

Had a wonderful day yesterday! A and S came just after 4 pm, luckily I had finished all the preparations in time. S was the chef for the evening, and she did an excellent job, the food couldn’t have been better! Just as we sat down to eat, C came. Offered her something to eat as well, but she rejected and ended up eating bits and pieces anyway 🙂 All of us ate far too much as usual…
We discovered that this was our fifth annual barbecue, and without knowing that this was kind of a club, C was welcomed into it, with a promise that she’d bring scampi next year. Can’t wait!
The rest of the evening was spent eating chocolate and potato chips and drinking tea while chatting, gossiping and discussing. The girls helped me make a few decisions about my outfit for the wedding in November, where I’ll be the best “man” for a boyfriend of mine. Shoes, skirt and corset is in my closet, and I just need some kind of jacket, bolero or scarf since it will be cold, and I don’t want to show too much skin at church.
But back to yesterday… C went home just before 11 pm. As A, S and I was about to call it a night, a car stopped at the top of my drive and just stood there for what seemed like a long time. A man came out, threw something in my dustbin, turned the car around and went back the same way as he came. He then stoppet at the next house, and I could see someone going out of the car and up to the house, and another person got into the car. A and S got in S’s car to see if they could see anything suspicious going on, but all the lights were on, and I don’t think a burglar would do that. So we came to the conclusion that it wasn’t anything scary going on, but the driver was probably a bugbear anyway 😉
After locking both doors, I went to bed and turned out the lights just before 1 am, and I had a really good nights sleep, didn’t hear anyone knocking at doors or windows 🙂

Busy day

Litt om det meste Posted on Fri, July 06, 2007 20:26:01

Have had a busy day today. A and S are coming for our annual barbecue tomorrow, so I went shopping on my way home. My fridge hasn’t been this full for ages! Once home, I did some cleaning, and tomorrow I’ll start preparing the food, as in making the salad and cutting potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli, putting them in separate packages of aluminium foile together with butter, salt and pepper. Can’t wait!

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