Well, another weekend nearly over. The only person I’ve actually talked to since I left work Friday, is the woman in the shop just over the Swedish border. Went there to buy tobacco yesterday. But it hasn’t been bad being alone this weekend really, I’ve had lots to keep me busy.
Woke up extremely early today (0615am), and before 11am I had washed the second machine with laundry, vacuumed upstairs, removed the sheets from the bed, read a lot and spent some time in front of the computer. During the rest of the day, I’ve washed a third machine with laundry, made dinner, put new sheets on the bed and relaxed in front of the telly. And I put the curtains back up, together with the dream catcher I bought two weeks ago. Looks really nice! All in all, I’m satisfied with the day, I only regret a tiny bit that I didn’t cut the rest of the grass. It’s been sunny all day, but a terrible wind, so trying to get a tan wasn’t an option today.
Sunday evenings tend to be a bit depressing, as I can’t believe the weekend has gone by so fast, and I hate the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow. I really could use some vacation now, but I’ve got four weeks until that happens.