For as long as I can remember, I’ve always asked for two copies of each photo I get developed. This way I can give one copy away or put it in a frame or something. I didn’t do anything different from usual when I sent a film for developing (yes, I still use a film based camera…) a couple of weeks ago, but still I only got one copy of the pictures.
Sent an email to the company, they told me to send in the negatives, and I’d get a second copy. So far so good, but when I got the envelope with the second copy, I discovered a black line running through a couple of the photos, it seemed like the negatives had been slightly off centre, so a bit of the next picture was on the previous picture.
Sent those to photos together with the correct negatives in today together with a letter for explanation, and now I’ll have to wait and see if the get it right this time.

The only new thing since the last time I wrote is the fact that I’m reading Harry Potter at every available moment, it’s almost as I don’t have the time to use the computer…and that’s strange when it comes to me 😉

And I almost forgot…I’ve finally started arranging the stag night for my friend SV since I’m his “best man” when he gets married in November. Obviously I can’t write anything about that, but it seems really great so far, and I hope he’ll have a day to remember, both with excitement, embarrassement, joy, laughter and love 🙂