Haven’t been doing much these last few days really. I’ve got two weeks vacation now, and are just going to enjoy them and relax, while doing a few things around the house that needs to be done.

The weekend was really quiet. Pruned the raspberries and the red and black currants. Pulled up quite many small beginning trees from my yard. Watched two movies, on Saturday it was “The Mexican” and on Sunday it was “Lost in Translation”. Didn’t like neither of them really.

Today was a real shopping day, but didn’t go shopping for any fun stuff really. Started with driving the shortest road to Sweden. Then on to my cottage, since my mother and her boyfriend is there, and my mum keeps complaining that she hardly sees me anymore. Spent a couple of hours with them, and then drove to Svinesundparken where I bought more picture frames. I also tried to get more of those white bell flowers, but they were out of those for this season. Have one possibility left on Wednesday, when I’m driving past one of their other stores, but it’s probably too late for flowers this year. But I did buy garden gloves, a small garden spade (can’t find the one I had earlier this year) and a few other small things. Drove into the city, and started at the garage I use for my car. They called me last Thursday and told me that they had gotten the papers from the insuranse company in return, since there wasn’t an accident statement. Nobody had told me that I needed to write one, but the guys at the garage did it for me, I just went down to sign it today. Then I drove to Jysk. They told me last week that they were having a sale on pillows for outdoors furniture, so I just had to take advantage of that. Got 4 pillows that at full price would cost NOK 650,- for just NOK 136,-! I really like those kind of sales! 🙂 I then went to Byggmakker, where I only got a smoke detector, since the one I’ve got now reacts when I’m cooking. Gonna move that to the basement and put the new one up where the old one is now. The next stop was at Malerbua where I bough an ax, so I can protect myself from burglars. No, just kidding 🙂 Needed an ax for cutting the fire wood into smaller pieces. The last stop was Billington, where I bought a fire extinguisher and an electronic device for scaring mice away. Hopefully that’ll work, so Arkas don’t have to share his food next winter.

That’s all folks! 😉