Well, it’s strange how weeks and months can pass by without nothing happening, and then suddenly everything is happening all at once…

Today I was about to watch some telly, when I suddenly heard a noice that seemed to come from the basement. Arkas started barking, and I (somewhat scared) went to find out what was happening. I took a look down the basement stairs, and suddenly saw a goshawk sitting in the grass outside the window, pecking at my window. I saw that his right wing was damaged, so I rushed over to the next door neighbour to find out what to do. I can’t stand seeing an animal in pain, but I’m not able to put them down myself. He suggested that I’d call Viltnemnda (a group of people who’s responsible for managing the law that protects the wild animals and also to give advice and assistance to authorities, organizations and persons). I couldn’t find the phone number online, so I called the police, which gave me the correct number. After describing the problem to the man, he came over after about 15 minutes (he lives not far from here), and he captured the hawk with a net. He assumed that the bird had been hit by a car, and he was pretty sure that it had been borned this year. From what he could see, he didn’t give the hawk much of a chance, but he would take it home and take a better look. If he thought that it would have a chance, he’d keep it at home and do whatever necessary, but if nothing could be done, he would put it down. I almost asked him to keep me updated, but I guess the man has got enough to do if not calling around to people.
I thought about getting the camera, but I decided against it since I didn’t want to stress the hawk too much, and the wound was terrible to look at. In a strange way I feel good about myself, since I did the right thing and took that phone call (not calling was never an option), but I still keep thinking about that poor bird who obviously was in pain and I hope that he makes it.