I left a few things in the air the last time I wrote, so I’m gonna try to finish them now.

Both E and I are now fine again. I got the sick leave I wanted from the doctor. It was quite easy really, since I started coughing the minute I got into his office 😉

Got my car back a couple of days after I wrote my last entry, and haven’t had any problems with it since. But the problem is the cost this time… The first 5 months of a year is always hard for me with lots of bills, so I absolutely didn’t need a huge garage bill, but that’s what I got…NOK 9.550,-… Payed a small piece of that when I picked up the car, and did get to divide the rest in two, but it’s still lots and lots of money that I don’t have. My savings account will decrease more than it has increased for the last couple of years, that’s for sure.

Arkas’ vet appointment went wery well. Had a different vet than usual this time, and I liked that he was so thorough with his examinations. He couldn’t find anything that causes Arkas’ eyes to be more “watery”, and as long as he isn’t bothered with it, it’s nothing to investigate more. And he thought that the cataract wouldn’t be of any problems for Arkas, which was wonderful news!

The crocus have survived and several of them are now glowing with their beautiful colors: yellow, white and purple. It’s spring! I actually sat in the sun a little while today, found a spot where the wind couldn’t find me and I just enjoyed the warmth on my face.

H was here about a week ago, helped her with her hair again. E was here too, and I was impressed with H’s willingness to talk around a stranger, she has been reluctant to that earlier. So great progress on her behalf, and we had a wonderful evening.

C came over on Wednesday, we got to talk a bit and watch some telly. I asked her if I could feel her belly if the baby was kicking, not all women like that, but she didn’t mind, and I felt kicks and punches for about 10 minutes! Great feeling! When I told E about this, he asked me if my uterus started aching, but I could reassure him that it didn’t 😉

E has had the kids every evening this week except on Friday, so I picked him up after work that day and drove him home again yesterday morning. Did a bit of shopping and went to see S. She and her husband S have bought a brand new car, a Ford C-Max (couldn’t find an English site, sorry). Great car!

Both E and I have vacation during this Easter. In Norway, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday are days we don’t work, but for several years I’ve had vacation on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Maundy Thursday as well, an excellent way of getting a long vacation without using too many of my vacation days. In addition, we’ve taken the Tuesday after Easter off as well, since T and M are coming to Halden that day.
As I’ve said earlier, E and I don’t have anything planned for Easter, but we’ve got a list of things that needs to be done around the house and in the garden. Hopefully we’ll get nice weather so we actually can spend some time outside.

Oh, I almost forgot… Even though I’m virtually broke these days, I ordered some clothes through mail order a week ago. Got the package yesterday with almost everything, and after trying everything on, I’ve ended up with a few things that in average will cost me just over NOK 100,-. These are all things I need, so I don’t feel bad for spending money I basically don’t have on it. I just have to cut back on eating…or something… 😉

That’s todays update, remember to leave a comment! 😉
Have a great Easter everybody!