I just love roses. They might not be the most beautiful flower I know, but it’s the most beautiful flower I know that I’m able to grow 🙂 We’ve got one large red and one large pink at my cottage and I’ve got one light pink on each side of of my front door at home. I bought a small light beige last fall that I’m hoping will settle in my garden this summer, and I bougth a yellow one last week that also will get its place in my garden this summer. I don’t know the names of the first ones, but the last one is called Golder Showers, and you can read about it (in Norwegian) here and here.
Went to the doctors yesterday, I’ll now work 50 % for four weeks. The results from my CT scan was finished, and there’s nothing new with my back, just the familiar old problems.
I’m thinking about starting blogging in Norwegian again. It’s not that I want those of you that don’t know Norwegian to feel left out, it’s just that I feel that I’m not able to express myself as good as I want in English. Please let me know what you all think about this…