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Jeg heter Kjersti, og skriver om det meste som skjer i livet mitt. Mer om meg finner du på hjemmesiden min.

Kos deg med lesingen, og legg gjerne igjen en kommentar, så jeg vet at noen leser!
Jeg kan kontaktes på mail kjersti(a)

Bilder finner du i galleriet. Bildene er underlagt loven om opphavsrett.

Saft, biler med besøk, kontor, Metallica og Berby

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, June 14, 2009 10:06:57

Alt har vært som normalt den siste tiden. Litt jobb, litt shopping og mye avslapping.

Garderoberommet blir sakte men sikkert ferdig. Nesten ferdig med all maling, så det er å få opp lister, spot i taket og legge gulv som gjenstår. Gleder meg sinnsykt til å ta det i bruk!

Etter at vi ble to i huset, ble det litt trangt på kontoret. Så i går ble det utvidet, se bilde her. E har satt opp den delen av bordet som er under vinduet, så det ble litt mer plass på hans side.

I fjor fikk jeg oppskrift på rabarbrasaft av C. Jeg har fått saft av henne tidligere, og den er helt nydelig, men jeg synes jo det var for galt at hun skulle lage både til seg selv og til meg, og så lenge jeg har rabarbra i hagen selv, kan jeg jo lage saft selv også. Jeg har ikke så mye rabarbra, så hvis noen har gode tips for hvordan jeg kan få rabarbraen til å utvide seg, blir jeg veldig glad!
Men jeg hadde ca en kg i fryseren fra i fjor, og fikk plukket ca 600 gram i går, så jeg tok all den ferske og litt av den frosne, og fikk ca 2 liter deilig saft. Den smakte ikke helt som C’s, men det er jo som regel originalen som er best 🙂

I helga har det vært Cars on the Farm her i traktene. Masse nydelige gamle amerikanere som har brummet forbi her, moro at det er litt liv her oppe til tider. Fikk i går kveld telefon fra en kollega som ikke var helt sikker på veien. Jeg fikk forklart henne det, og det endte med at hun og mannen hennes stoppet her og skravlet en times tid før de dro videre. Kjempekos! Fikk sms fra henne i natt med beskjed om å komme og danse, men da sov jeg godt gitt 😉

Til onsdag er det Metallicakonsert som står på plakaten. Gleder meg veldig, blir antagelig en once in a lifetime-opplevelse.

Til helga er det Berbydagene (se i menyen til venstre i vinduet som kommer opp), kun ca 5 minutters kjøring fra oss. Mulig vi tar oss en tur, kan være artig å komme seg bort fra pc og tv en liten stund også. Vi har en kollega som skal spille der, og det er jo ikke dumt å støtte opp om lokalsamfunnet heller.

Venter fremdeles spent på et svar på spørsmålet mitt i forrige innlegg 😉

Sommeren har kommet!

Litt om det meste Posted on Sat, June 06, 2009 14:56:52

Ihvertfall har sommeren kommet utifra hva kalenderen sier. Vi hadde noen knallvarme dager, men nå har det blitt småkjølig igjen. Nå passer det meg egentlig utmerket siden jeg ikke er så glad i varmen, men det er vel som å banne i kirken å si at jeg ikke vil ha det noe varmere 🙂

På denne tiden av året kryr det av unger ute i naturen. Altså ikke tobeinte unger (selv om de forekommer de også), men dyre- og fugleunger. Ser at svanene oppe i våtmarksområdet har fått unger, men det er vanskelig å få øye på de nå siden det er så mye jorder og buskas som vokser der de holder til.
Vi har svalerede under en takstein, se bilde her. Og i tillegg har vi hatt skjærerede i det ene treet i hagen. De har skreket noe veldig de siste ukene, og denne uka gikk fra at de kom seg ut av redet om mandag til torsdag hvor de forsvant. Tror jaggu vingetreninga gikk radig unna, se bilde her.

Rosa jeg plantet ut for noen uker siden har kommet seg, takk og pris! Blir det noen blomster i år, er det en stor bonus, men jeg forventer det ikke. Men rosene på hver side av inngangsdøra har kommet med knupper, og klematisene de står sammen med har nå vokst til over døra.
Grønnsakene E sådde i våres har blitt plantet ut. Brokkolien ser ikke helt i hundre ut, men gulerøttene klarer seg fint. Tomatene fikk seg en skrekkelig knekk på grunn av litt kaldt vær, men vi har et håp om at et par av plantene klarer seg. Uansett kjøpte jeg to nye tomatplanter til han som jeg tror skal få stå inne. Er tydelig at de stedene vi har å sette de ut som det er mye sol også har mye vind, og da er det tydeligvis bare å glemme. Men det ser ut som to av tre physalisplanter klarer seg, skal bli moro å se om det blir frukt på de!
Jordbærplantene fra i fjor har kommet seg bra i år, så det kan bli noen få bær der. Ellers ser det ut som det blir mye epler på det ene treet, men heller få på det andre. Bringebær, rips og solbær ser bra ut, mens stikkelsbærbusken ikke kommer med like mye. Og gressløken vi fikk fra hytta i fjor er stor og fin 🙂

Når jeg flyttet hit, begynte jeg å lage garderoberom av det ene soverommet oppe. Det har bare blitt stående, men siden vi nå er to, var det på tide å få gjort det ferdig. Så vi har fått handlet inn nesten alt av det vi trengte for å gjøre det ferdig, og E er i full gang med å male. Skal bli godt å få flyttet inn klær dit, stakkars E bor jo stort sett i esker ennå…

Så trenger jeg litt tips av dere jenter…jeg trenger en god vannfast mascara. Jeg har lest tester og funnet frem til fire som får god kritikk, men det hadde vært fint å høre hva dere mener. Hvis mascaraen i tillegg klarer å hjelpe til å bue vippene, hadde det vært bra, for jeg har “rett-frem-vipper” :/

Over på norsk

Litt om det meste Posted on Mon, May 18, 2009 21:40:11

Siden ingen stemte noen veier i mitt forrige innlegg når det gjaldt om jeg skal blogge på norsk eller engelsk, tar jeg avgjørelsen selv og begynner på norsk igjen. Føler at jeg lettere kan få sagt det jeg vil da, tror jeg 🙂

Siden sist har jeg fått en ny runde med influensa. Var hjemme fra jobb hele forrige uke. Forsøkte meg igjen i dag, men ga opp da jeg fortsatt hoster så jeg ser mannen med ljåen, noe som gjør meg totalt utslitt. Skal til legen til onsdag (skal uansett ikke jobbe i morgen), så da får vi se hva som skjer.

Har nå fått plantet ut den nye rosebusken min sammen med en hvit lavendel på hver side av den (det skal visstnok hjelpe til å forhindre lus på rosen). Elsklingen min var så snill og bygde klatrestativ til rosen, se bilde her. Men jeg er stygt redd for at jeg var for tidlig ute med å plante den ut, for øyeblikket ser det ikke ut som den trives så altfor godt. Får bare se an utover sommeren.

17. mai ble feiret i går, se bilder her. Siden formen min ikke var helt på topp, ble det en kjapp tur for å vinke til E’s sønn og T’s barn, og så dro vi og spiste lunch hos mamma og A. Kjempekos og masse god mat som vanlig, men turen gikk hjemover etter et par-tre timer.

Vi fikk ca 3 favner våt ved for en tid tilbake, og det måtte jo stables for tørking. Dessverre makter ikke ryggen min stort av sånn jobb, så E tok den biten. Han var kjempeflink, og her ser du resultatet.

CT results and roses

Litt om det meste Posted on Sat, April 25, 2009 08:04:50

I just love roses. They might not be the most beautiful flower I know, but it’s the most beautiful flower I know that I’m able to grow 🙂 We’ve got one large red and one large pink at my cottage and I’ve got one light pink on each side of of my front door at home. I bought a small light beige last fall that I’m hoping will settle in my garden this summer, and I bougth a yellow one last week that also will get its place in my garden this summer. I don’t know the names of the first ones, but the last one is called Golder Showers, and you can read about it (in Norwegian) here and here.

Went to the doctors yesterday, I’ll now work 50 % for four weeks. The results from my CT scan was finished, and there’s nothing new with my back, just the familiar old problems.

I’m thinking about starting blogging in Norwegian again. It’s not that I want those of you that don’t know Norwegian to feel left out, it’s just that I feel that I’m not able to express myself as good as I want in English. Please let me know what you all think about this…

Easter soon over

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, April 12, 2009 10:13:13

First of all: Ages ago, J postet this in her journal.
I took the test myself and planned on posting it, but I forgot all about it. But here’s my result, and I’m stunned over how true it came out:

You Are a Colon
You are very orderly and fact driven.
You aren’t concerned much with theories or dreams… only what’s true or untrue.
You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched.
You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren’t subject to whim or emotions.
Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice.
(But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!)
You excel in: Leadership positions
You get along best with: The Semi-Colon

We went to the swampy area on Friday, just to find out that the only way to get to the view tower was to cross a small river. At least we couldn’t find another way. But on our way towards the tower, we saw 7 cranes and lots of ducks. Two pictures can be seen in this album in my gallery.
We then drove to an old bridge a little bith further north. This is not in use anymore, but it’s amazing to see how it is constructed. Pictures can be found in this album in my gallery. And here’s a link to a Norwegian description of the bridge and it’s history: Glende bridge.

Yesterday we went to Nordens Ark. Haven’t been there since August, and it’s a tradition that we go there during Easter. Had a wonderful time with warm and sunny weather, pictures can be found here.

Just today and tomorrow left of the Easter holiday for this year. I’m having the CT scan on Thursday and a doctors appointment in two weeks, so after that I’ll know what’s wrong with my back and if I’m continuing with my partial sick leave.

Easter so far

Litt om det meste Posted on Thu, April 09, 2009 20:42:33

We decided not to go to my cottage after all. Picked up D on Saturday after shopping. One of the things we bought, was a skateboard for him. But after using it for about an hour, it broke. So on Sunday it was back to the store to exchange it. Mum and A are staying at my cottage, so we stopped by them on our way home. Took about an hour again, and then the new skateboard broke on exactly the same place as the first one…
D was quite overwhelmed by all the easter egg candy and chocolate, he didn’t know where to start 🙂 He went home on Tuesday evening.
E and I went shopping again yesterday, and got a new, more expensive skateboard this time. Hopefully that’ll last a bit longer.

E and I have spent the first part of Easter cleaning both inside and outside. We’ve pruned the apple trees and some bushes and picked up twigs. E washed the car on Monday (picture in the gallery). We’ve cleaned the entire kitchen and the entire bathroom and done lots of laundry. We’ve got a few more things on our todo list, but we’re determined to have vacation as well. That’s why we’re going to Nordens Ark, probably on Saturday. Haven’t been there since August, so really looking forward to that.

I’ve promised Fotoboksen to check out the small swampy area just north of our house, so that’s something I’ll try to get done during Easter. I saw a swan couple there yesterday, but I don’t know if there are other birds there at all.

A quick update

Litt om det meste Posted on Mon, March 30, 2009 21:01:37

My back is getting better, but the pain down especially the left leg is terrible. Went to the doctor on Friday, and he’ll send me to the hospital for a CT scan. Hopefully they can find something so I know what I’m dealing with. And I got another partial sick leave for four weeks.

Just three more days at work now, and then Easter holiday! Seems like we’re spending it at my cottage, so I’m praying for nice weather so I can go for long walks in known territory with my camera, I’m really looking forward to that! I haven’t spent any nights at my cottage since I bought the house in 2005, but now I feel that I want to stay there again.

Not much fun going on

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, March 22, 2009 21:59:12

I’m not good at writing these days. As the topic says, there’s not much fun going on, so I actually don’t know what to write.

I still work only 15 hours a week, and I have a new doctors appointment on Friday, so we’ll see what’ll happen after that. The last cold/flue ended and a new one came my way about a week ago. The fever finally ended today, but the energy I had started building up is gone, so I’m starting from scratch once again.
I work 5 hours 3 times a week, just to save some gas money. We started working in Fredrikstad on March 2, so that’s 130 km each day, takes about one hour to drive each way. I think it would be better for me to work fewer hours a day, but with that long a drive, I just have to think about saving money.

SV borrowed my cottage this weekend. Three teenagers he knows was attending a paintball championship in Halden, so he drove them here, they arrived late Friday night and left today. He came to visit us for a few hours yesterday morning, really good to see him again.

H is in Hamar these days, training her bad arm. Haven’t spoken to her, but I know that she misses E a lot, it’s the first time she’s been away from her several nights in a row.

My back has been killing me lately, I really hope it’s not a third herniated disc… It’s been on and off for the last 5 weeks, so I’ve been careful, but sometimes you just have to do something that ends up in pain… Like yesterday…a really nice spring day, and I went outside to remove a little bit of old twigs and grass. Was outside only about 30 minutes and was really aware on how I moved, but it didn’t help. And today I peeled potatoes for dinner, which really killed me. Standing for 20 minutes over the sink is not what my back calls a good time. And to top it off, is the pain running down both my legs from the disc pressing on a nerve or ten…

Well well…I’ll leave it with this, and I’ll try to be happy about the fact that I don’t have to crawl on the floor to get around, something I had to do the last time, 4 1/2 years ago…

I have to apologize

Litt om det meste Posted on Thu, February 19, 2009 20:46:12

I’ll start by apologizing for not writing for such a long time, but there really hasn’t been much to write about. I’ve been on a sick leave for quite some time now, starting with being home for a couple of weeks, then I went to work when I was up for it, and now I’m working 15 hours a week. On top of that I got a cold/flue-type of thing on Sunday, and are now on a 100 % sick leave that ends tomorrow.
And the reason for why I’m home (not the cold-thing) is the reason why I want to apologize one more time. I haven’t been in touch with many of my friends recently, and I feel bad about that. I know that you all understand, and I’m thankful for that, but I don’t want to be away from my friends. It’s just that I can’t find the energy…

A couple of weeks ago, C, my mum and I went to a dress shop in town to try the wedding gown with an underskirt, and it worked out well. But in the excitement of having the dress on again, I forgot to try to find a veil, so that means that I’ll get to put on the gown one more time! 🙂

It’s been snowing for a couple of days now, so it finally looks like Christmas outside. It’s just sad that Christmas is over for this time…


Litt om det meste Posted on Sat, January 24, 2009 14:00:30

It’s been a while since the last time I wrote. Startet work after the holidays on January 5th, but after only a week, my energy was completely gone, so I’m now on a sick leave until tomorrow. I’ll start working again on Monday, but I’ll only work as much as I can manage for a time. The plan is to get up from the sofa and out taking walks, but the weather hasn’t been on my side lately, with rain and snow. There is a saying in Norway that goes something like this: There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing, and that’s true, but I really don’t feel like going for walks when the rain or snow hits you in the face like pins and needles.
The weather is also the reason why E hasn’t been able to try out his new camera as much as he’s wanted, but he seems very pleased with it so far.

E and I got rid of Christmas two weeks ago. The livingroom seems much more empty now, but it’s good to get back to everyday life again.

I’ve now worked in the same firm for over 8 years, and have always been in our department here in Halden. But the team we’re on is moving to our departement in Fredrikstad, so from March, we suddenly have over an hour drive to work, which leaves us with just around three hours of free time every evening. We had the choice of staying in Halden, but we would then have to answer phone calls, and neither of us wanted that. The gas expenses will go sky high each month, but we’ll get some of it back through the tax return each year.

SV and B have broken up. I’m so sad on their behalf, but if they think it’s for the best, I’ll support their desicion.

Just after E and I got engaged, I started looking at gowns online and soon found what I can only describe as the gown of my dreams on Ebay, and for a price that was shockingly low. It was scary ordering it, but after E taking my measurements, I clicked the “buy now”-button Sunday January 4th. I was promised a delivery time of about 5-6 weeks, but I got it yesterday, after only 19 days! Amazing!
Unwrapped it right away, and it was just as wonderful as I had hoped. Drove to C yesterday afternoon to try it on, and it only needs minor adjustments to fit perfectly. So now I can start looking for the right shoes, the right underwear and the right veil. You might think that the wedding is just around the corner, but it’s actually over 2 years until the big day 🙂 I like to get things ready in good time 🙂
And C, H and I will certainly find the time to visit bridal stores and try other gowns, that’s a part of planning a wedding I don’t want to skip 🙂

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