2008 was absolutely a year I’ll remember, both for positive and negative reasons. I have already written about it all in previous entries, so all I’ll say is that I hope 2009 will be much more positive.
S. V. and B came December 22th and left the next day. It was great seing them again, even though it just was for a few hours since I worked.
E and I decorated the Christmas tree on December 23th. This years tree is huge, so I actually don’t have enough ornaments. Have to buy more before next X-mas!
Christmas eve started with watching telly before I drove to pick up mum. Then it was a bit more telly and waiting for the turkey to be done. A wonderful dinner where the three of us ended up far too full as always π A bit of relaxing on the sofa before we got going with the presents. I had warned E about the number of gifts, but I don’t think he believed me until he actually saw all of them π We all got lots of wonderful things, and I was happy to see that E and mum was so pleased with what I’d bought for them.
On Christmas day we drove mum home and then went to E’s sister T and her husband T for lunch. Relaxed for a couple of hours before heading home again, just as full as the day before. No dinner that day π
Saturday December 27th, we went to H and M for dinner. Their daughter E had gotten so many presents, and it’s so much fun to watch her development each time I see her. 2 years old now π
Sunday December 28th, D came to us. He could hardly get inside before he wanted to open his presents, and he was very pleased with everything.
We had a great dinner on New Years eve, and just relaxed for the rest of the day. Watched some telly and a couple of films, and then went out for the fireworks just before midnight. Stayed out for about half an hour, took lots of pictures, called mum as always and sent lots of text messages.
On January 1st, we packed bags and went for a walk in the woods, and found a spot where we built a fire and BBQ’ed hot dogs. It was a bit cold, but we all enjoyed it. Drove D home that same night.
Yesterday, E and I did a bit of shopping in town. E has wanted a SLR camera for ages, so we ordered one last night, hopefully he’ll get it within a week. I hope his enthusiasm will rub off on me too, because I miss the feeling of really wanting to take pictures.
Now there’s just today and tomorrow left of my vacation, and then it’s back to work on Monday. Can’t say I look forward to it, but money is a necessity.
I’ll be posting lots of pictures in my gallery, check out the home page on my web site to find out where to look.
Happy New Year everybody, hope it gives you all you want!