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Since the last time

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, July 20, 2008 18:48:06

I wrote, I haven’t done much else than painting. The hour count shows that I’ve used about 60 hours in total over the last three weeks. Luckily I’ve got about an hour or two left, and then both rooms are finished! Pictures will be published on my gallery, so check in 🙂

The meeting at the bank ended up in our favour, so we’re now looking for a new car! My car has only got two seats, so we need a bigger one. Let me know if you’ve got suggestions on what to buy 🙂

The last time I wrote, I was about to meet E’s children. I ended up meeting just D, and we had a great few hours on my cottage bathing and BBQ-ing. I’ve met him a couple of times after that, and things are going very well. I just wish we’d have more time to get to know eachother before E moves here. That’s in fact happening tomorrow! He’s got his apartement until August 1, but his children are going away on holidays with their mother for two weeks now, so he might as well move in with me right away.

We didn’t go to the birthday party I mentioned, I had to continue painting. But S V, B and their children visited me for a few hours that Sunday, it was great seeing them again! Lots of talking, showing them around the house and a quick dinner before they headed on for their holidays in Sweden and Denmark.

A couple of girlfriends of mine and I have a BBQ each summer at my place, and this years event was yesterday. A third girlfriend came by when it was held last year, so this year she was with us from the start. Rain and a thunderstorm tried to put a stop to the BBQ-ing, but we just stayed under the roof. Too much food as usual, and lots of chatting until about 1 am. A wonderful evening as always.

Gallery, last weekend and holidays

Litt om det meste Posted on Mon, June 30, 2008 22:03:27

As most of you may have noticed, my web site now has a gallery. Yippie! 😀 I’ve put out a few pictures already, and more will come from time to time, so feel free to visit. There are no possibility to comment on the pictures, but there will come a guest book on my web site at some point, so you can comment there.

Spent Saturday and Sunday with E. He has the kids a lot nowadays, so we don’t get much time together.
We started Saturday with shopping paint since we’re going to redecorate the two rooms that E’s children will have when he moves here. Then we got a few small things done in town, before we headed to his place to relax. His ex-girlfriend A wanted to have a chat with me before I start meeting the children, so she came around just before 6 pm. We all had a good talk actually, and both A and E thought that more useful things came out of our talk than during all the meetings they have had at the family office during the last six months.
Then E and I went to the Food and Boat-festival that is held in Halden the last weekend of June every year. The food we tasted wasn’t as good as previous years, but it was ok. And the weather was nice, so we took a walk and had a look at lots of fancy boats before we headed home.
Sunday was spent painting for 13(!) hours. Finished the undercoat in the bedroom downstairs and the first coat on almost all of the bedroom upstairs. Went to bed totally exhausted and got up early today since E had to be in his apartment by 10 am. We’ve got holidays this week, and he’s having his kids for three weeks straight. I went over the border to a Swedish town called Strömstad where a colleague of me lives. She’s on a long term sick leave and are not allowed to drive, so I wanted to spend some time with her. Had a wonderful time with K and her son O, even though O wasn’t in his best mood today 🙂 But I will absolutely take the trip to her soon again, she’s a wonderful girl!
I continued painting when I got home, and I think I’m finished with the ceiling in both rooms, I just have to check when the painting is dry.

Tomorrow will be spent with a trip to the bank and then I’ll meet E’s children. I must say I’m a bit nervous, but I hope that the informal setting of being at my cottage will make it easier for us to start to get to know eachother.

I’ll be doing more painting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. E and I are invited to a birthday party on Saturday, but I don’t know yet if we’ll be going. Depends on E getting a “baby sitter” and how far the painting has come.
On Sunday my friend S V and his wife B are stopping by for a few hours on their way to Sweden on holidays. The haven’t seen my house yet, so that’ll be exiting.

No excuse…

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, June 22, 2008 14:55:27

I’ve got no excuse for not writing for such a long time…except that I don’t know what to write about. Nothing worth writing about is happening, life goes on it’s usual way. We celebrated May 17th in a terrible weather, we go to work as always and we get things done around the house. E is hoping to harvest both potatoes and strawberries later this year, and we’ve plantet Virginia creeper.
I’m alone this weekend, E’s got the kids. Just 5 weeks left, and we’ll be living together! Got lots of redecorating to do before August 1th, hope we get it all done in time.
E came over yesterday, I’d asked her to help me to find the right colors for the childrens rooms. Hopefully they’ll work out on the wall, not just inside my head 😉
H came yesterday as well. This time she wanted me to help her getting highlights in her hair. I’ve never done that before, and I won’t say that she actually got highlights, but parts of her hair changed color and she can face other people with how her hair looks like now, so it wasn’t a total disaster 😉

The last few days I’ve been thinking a lot about what it really is like to live with a Border Collie. I’ve been living with one for about 10 1/2 years now, and I’m sure that other breeds has their ups and downs, but here’s some things that makes my dog the dog he is:
In lack of enough mental work, he’s found other things to use his hearding talents on, like mobile phones, lighters, pens and bottles.
When he was a puppy, I found it extremely amusing that he reacted when Lassie was on the telly, so I started asking him “Where is Lassie?”. I wish I knew then what this would result in, because I wouldn’t have asked him that question at all… He now is obsessed with the telly and watches it whenever it’s on. He especially likes every type of animal show, but also reacts to fast movements or sounds, and if I get loud over a football match or something like that, he actually jumps the telly. On top of this, he hates/loves (?) all types of guns, so I have to turn the volume down when there’s shooting.
I use songs as ring tones on my mobile phone. These songs are also on my playing list on my computer, and even though it can be months since I’ve changed the ring tone, he jumps up when he hears the old song from the computer, as if to say “You’ve got to answer the phone mum!”.
He is either happy or not. There’s nothing in between really, and there’s no doubt what mood he’s in at all times.
He won’t stop playing until you put the toy away, especially outside. This is a problem now that he’s getting older, because if I let him play as long as he wants, it results in aching muscles for him. So I have to disapoint him and cut off the playing way before he’s satisfied.

Well, that’s it for this time. If there’s something you out there want me to write about, please leave a comment. Because I haven’t got a clue to what to write about anymore…

Movie, book and music

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, May 11, 2008 16:58:57

For a long time, I’ve had The Da Vinci Code book and dvd, and I haven’t had any interest in reading or watching it. I’ve heard so many people say that it’s hard to read and that you should know a bit about the background story, which I really don’t. But last weekend, E and I decided to watch the dvd so I could start reading the book afterwards, since it’s the only book left in the house that I haven’t read. I wasn’t positive when we sat down in front of the telly, but it was a million times better than I thought! Started reading the book the day after and finished it today, and it’s just as good as the movie, or even better! Makes me want to read more about the background story, and I don’t even like reading about history! But I recommend the book and the movie to everybody!

I’ve told you about Norway’s Got Talent in an earlier entry, about the 12 year old girl Nora and how wonderful she sings. The final in Got Talent was this Friday, and she came in third place with this song, Anthem from Chess. A boy called Erlend won with this song, Lost. But I also want you to hear the first song he sang in the competition, which is O Holy Night. Incredible! So as a reply to what K said in a comment on one of my earlier entries: ok, he sings like an angel, but I still would have wanted Nora to win 😉
Another contestant in Got Talent was Anders. He didn’t get to the Final, but his first audition with his own song One More Day was incredible, and I’ll buy his album if he ever releases one.

The last video I want to share with you, is this beautiful little thing that my darling boyfriend sent to me yesterday. It’s called The Snuggle Song, you’ve probably heard it before. I just love it, thank you my loved one!

Short update

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, April 27, 2008 17:26:09

Just wanted to tell you all that C’s daughter was born Sunday April 20. Her water broke early that morning and they drove to the hospital where everything went well. We visited them at the hospital on Tuesday, and S and I saw them yesterday.

Besides that I haven’t got much to say really. This is the seventh weekend in a row that E has the children either the whole weekend or part of the weekend, so I’m getting used to being on my own again. Can’t say I enjoy it, but that’s just something I have to live with as long as I’ve chosen a boyfriend with children. And I wouldn’t want him if he neglected the children either.

I’m struggeling as hell (excuse my french) with money, or lack of money these days. Payed the last of the car reparation bill on Friday, and together with insuranse and morgage and lots and lots more, not much is left for fuel and food. I just hope I’ll be able to make the money last until May 25, when the next salary comes.

That’s it for this time, don’t want to make you all as depressed as I am 😉

Update and music

Litt om det meste Posted on Sat, March 29, 2008 16:51:58

Well, Easter is over and the first week of working again is over too.

On the Tuesday before Easter, E and I went to Nordens Ark. I spent the day before baking as I always do for a trip to Nordens, and I was pleased with the result yet again. I don’t know what the English name is, but we call it horns, named that because they look like a bulls horns.
We drove down in under an hour and started with Lantgården, where they have domestic animals like cows, sheep, ducks, bunnies, goats, pigs, geese and hens. Easter was a bit early this year, so not many of the animals had started having “children” yet, and there was four geese that tried to make us stay there by blocking our exit and hissing at us. But we outsmarted them and got away anyway! 😉
Then we started on the trail that runs all throught the zoo, beginning with the Pudu and the Red Panda. I hadn’t seen the Pudu this close before, so that was fun. Both Red Pandas were way up in two trees, but we got to see their faces quite good, and that was nice. They’re so qute!!!
Went past a few animals and birds and then came to the wolves. Last time I was there, they had three, now there was only two left. But they were very active and we got to see them several times as they were walking around their territory. It seemed like the bitch was in heat, because the male kept following her wherever she went. Hopefully there will be puppies there the next time we take the trip. E had never seen wolves before, so that was a great experience for him. I keep remembering the first time I went to Nordens, when they had 15 wolves, and what an impact that made on me the first time I saw wolves.
We stopped at Varghuset (the Wolf House), which is a house where you can eat and relax, and that has windows as the only thing separating you from the wolves. Sat there for a while, ate and had hot chocolate and watched the wolves.
After a few birds, we came to the glutton, which seemed very depressed that day unfortunately.
Then we stopped for a while to try and catch a glimpse of the otter and her children, but yet again I was unsuccessful. This was the 9th time I was at Nordens, and I have never seen them!
Then it was time for the snow leopard. One of the people working there was with them as we came, so they were watching out for food. The guy was not actually in with the leopards as this isn’t allowed, but he patted one of them through the fence. Impressive!
Didn’t get to see much of the siberian leopard, so we went further on to the siberian tiger. The last time I was there, I hardly got to see him, so I had my hopes up for a better view this time, and my hopes was fulfilled! They actually have two tigers now, but we only saw one. He (I guess it was the male) walked around a bit and then laid down on the roof of a shelter, and I got to take a couple of really close up pictures of him. A wonderful and majestic animal that weigh about 300 kg’s!
Went back home and fell asleep on the sofa. Arkas woke us up when my mother and A came by on their way home from Denmark.

E had his son on Good Friday, so I drove him to his flat in the morning, in a terrible snow storm’ish type of weather. Picked him up in the evening again, and just relaxed for a couple of days. Did a few things around the house, but didn’t get to do anything outside because of the weather that was snowy and cold all Easter.

On Easter day we went to my cottage where my mother and A had spent the Easter, and they had invited us for dinner. Had a wonderful afternoon there with excellent food and good company. E tried to fix the telly antenna for them, and I helped A getting started with organizing his photos on his computer.

Tuesday this week I drove early to town to borrow my mothers car. Drove to the train station and met T and M as they got of the train at 9:45am. Went up to Rødsfjellet to get a good view of our fortress, and then to the chemistry at Tistasenteret (a shopping centre) since T had a cold. He didn’t get what he wanted, but we sat down at the cafè and chatted for a while. Then went up to the fortress. The weather was not on our side this day, it was snowing and lots of wind, but I got to show them most of the fortress and an excellent view over the city.
On our way back to the car, I discovered that the restaurant was open, so we had lunch there, getting some heat back in our bodies.
Then drove out to the Swedish border so they could have a look at both the old and the new bridge that I had told them about earlier. Had a short stop at my cottage, and tried to catch the 3:00pm train, but we were a bit too late, so we had a quick walk around the garden at Rød Herregård (Manor), and then spent about half an hour talking at the train station before they left for Oslo.
I have to say that I was a bit nervous before the meeting, since I haven’t talked to them before, just chattet for about 9 years. But it went extremely well, I had a wonderful time and I really hope that I get to meet them again sometime in the future. They are a wonderful couple and I hope they have enjoyed their trip around Scandinavia.

It was back to work on Wednesday, which wasn’t fun at all. So if someone knows of a different way of getting money, please let me know.

Norske Talenter (Norway’s version of Got Talent) started a few weeks back, and yesterday was the last day of auditions. And this amazing little girl (11 years old when the audition was recorded last year) got through to the semi finals. Her name is Nora Foss al Jabri, and she sings like an angel! Just have to share a few videos of her with you, starting with the actual audition where she sang Over the Rainbow. Then there is this version of Leonard Cohens Hallelujah. Just amazing! Further on, we’ve got the song Stop, where I believe she’s got better control over her voice than most grown ups. The last two is Summertime and O Holy Night (terrible recording that last one). Hope you enjoyed them all!


Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, March 16, 2008 14:20:20

I left a few things in the air the last time I wrote, so I’m gonna try to finish them now.

Both E and I are now fine again. I got the sick leave I wanted from the doctor. It was quite easy really, since I started coughing the minute I got into his office 😉

Got my car back a couple of days after I wrote my last entry, and haven’t had any problems with it since. But the problem is the cost this time… The first 5 months of a year is always hard for me with lots of bills, so I absolutely didn’t need a huge garage bill, but that’s what I got…NOK 9.550,-… Payed a small piece of that when I picked up the car, and did get to divide the rest in two, but it’s still lots and lots of money that I don’t have. My savings account will decrease more than it has increased for the last couple of years, that’s for sure.

Arkas’ vet appointment went wery well. Had a different vet than usual this time, and I liked that he was so thorough with his examinations. He couldn’t find anything that causes Arkas’ eyes to be more “watery”, and as long as he isn’t bothered with it, it’s nothing to investigate more. And he thought that the cataract wouldn’t be of any problems for Arkas, which was wonderful news!

The crocus have survived and several of them are now glowing with their beautiful colors: yellow, white and purple. It’s spring! I actually sat in the sun a little while today, found a spot where the wind couldn’t find me and I just enjoyed the warmth on my face.

H was here about a week ago, helped her with her hair again. E was here too, and I was impressed with H’s willingness to talk around a stranger, she has been reluctant to that earlier. So great progress on her behalf, and we had a wonderful evening.

C came over on Wednesday, we got to talk a bit and watch some telly. I asked her if I could feel her belly if the baby was kicking, not all women like that, but she didn’t mind, and I felt kicks and punches for about 10 minutes! Great feeling! When I told E about this, he asked me if my uterus started aching, but I could reassure him that it didn’t 😉

E has had the kids every evening this week except on Friday, so I picked him up after work that day and drove him home again yesterday morning. Did a bit of shopping and went to see S. She and her husband S have bought a brand new car, a Ford C-Max (couldn’t find an English site, sorry). Great car!

Both E and I have vacation during this Easter. In Norway, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday are days we don’t work, but for several years I’ve had vacation on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Maundy Thursday as well, an excellent way of getting a long vacation without using too many of my vacation days. In addition, we’ve taken the Tuesday after Easter off as well, since T and M are coming to Halden that day.
As I’ve said earlier, E and I don’t have anything planned for Easter, but we’ve got a list of things that needs to be done around the house and in the garden. Hopefully we’ll get nice weather so we actually can spend some time outside.

Oh, I almost forgot… Even though I’m virtually broke these days, I ordered some clothes through mail order a week ago. Got the package yesterday with almost everything, and after trying everything on, I’ve ended up with a few things that in average will cost me just over NOK 100,-. These are all things I need, so I don’t feel bad for spending money I basically don’t have on it. I just have to cut back on eating…or something… 😉

That’s todays update, remember to leave a comment! 😉
Have a great Easter everybody!


Litt om det meste Posted on Tue, March 04, 2008 21:44:00

Since the last time I wrote an update, sickness has been a part of my life. It all started about two weeks ago, when E got sick with the cold. He stayed at home, and I tried the best I could to take care of him. He got better, but after talking to his doctor, he got a sick leave that lasts until Friday this week.
Then I got sick Wednesday last week, the cold for me too. I went home from work that day, and stayed at home for the rest of the week. Went to work yesterday, felt that I didn’t have any choice since there’s nobody else doing my work, and that’s basically my fault. But I only did the things I really had to do, and left at 0100 PM. Called my doctor, but he can’t see me until Friday, and I have to go back to work on Friday again, so I hope he at least can give me a sick leave for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
E has been amazing while I’ve been sick. He hardly lets me get up from the sofa, he gets me everything I need, he fills the bath tub for me, he makes sure that I’m not cold and so much more. Thank you darling!

I got my car back, but they had only fixed the problem with the overheating. So I left it at the garage again yesterday, and when I talked to them today, they still hadn’t gotten the part they need for fixing the break pipe, so they’ll call me when the car is finished. Thankfully I’ve got a wonderful mother that lets me lend her car as long as I need!

Have got a vet appointment on Thursday for Arkas to get his yearly vaccinations. Can’t say that I look forward to it, but it’s got to be done. And if I remember, I’ll ask the vet about his eyes again, it seems that they are more “watery” than usual, and I don’t know if there’s something wrong, if it’s normal on older dogs or if it’s got something to do with the cataract.

Just 21 days left until T and M comes from Australia! It’ll be so much fun to finally see them, and hopefully the weather will be good enough for us to take a walk around town and at the fortress.
Still haven’t got anything planned for Easter, since we don’t know if E are going to have the kids or not, but we’re absolutely going to Nordens Ark.

Talked to C on Saturday, and she’s gonna have a Caesarean April 23, so not much time left now! She’s been quite big for a long time, and that’s exhausting for her.

We’ve had a very warm winter this year, and spring is already here obviously. Both the crocus, the daffodils and the tulips are starting to show, but I’m afraid things might go wrong, since we still have very cold nights from time to time. Have to keep my fingers crossed that all of them survives!

That’s it for this time, remember to leave a comment 😉

What do I do?

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, February 20, 2008 17:35:48

What do I do when the words “I love you” aren’t enough anymore? When they can’t describe what I really feel, when they don’t even begin to tell someone how I feel about them?

This man has made such a difference in my life, he has turned my world up side down and made me look at things in a totally new way. He has brought a new dimension into the word friendship, he has taken the meening of relationship to a whole new level. He has given my life a meaning that I didn’t knew existed. He makes me feel loved and cherished and missed and wanted, he even makes me feel sexy.

I just want to be with him, to make him feel the same way he makes me feel. I want to love him for the rest of my life, he has taken my heart and I don’t even miss my heart, I just miss him every single second I’m not with him.

What do I say to make him understand what I feel for him, when “I love you” seems like an understatement?
E: I love you! I don’t know any other way to say it…

Last week

Litt om det meste Posted on Mon, February 18, 2008 18:50:22

Last week went by with the usual stuff. The only thing out of the ordinary, is that E became sick on Tuesday and stayed home the rest of the week. He stayed home today as well, and he’s planning on going to the doctor tomorrow. I gave him a foot bath on Wednesday, something he never had experienced before, and I think he was pleased. And somebody besides me should tell him that he needs to relax when he’s sick, because he can’t stop doing things all the time, and he doesn’t realize that not relaxing only makes him worse.

E had the kids from Friday to Saturday, so I stayed at home and got a few things done. Went to see H on Saturday afternoon, haven’t seen her since Christmas. Everything was fine, she’s waiting for some equipment in order to start working again. Her daughter E started walking February 3, and she’s really good at it! It’s strange to see how big they get when they start walking, it’s like they are babies one day and big kids the next day.
Picked up E when I left H, and we visited E’s sister T, since I was going to help her with the layout on the menues for her fast food restaurant.
Drove home on extremely slippery roads and went to bed early.

Sunday was spent watching Band of Brothers on dvd and otherwise relaxing and doing a few things.

E’s having the kids every evening this week, so I’m home alone, and since E’s sick, I don’t get to see him until Saturday. They (who’s they?) say that it’s healthy to miss someone, but I can’t see how feeling misrable can be healthy…

My car got overheated on my way home from work today, so I’ve filled more cooling water/cooling liquid and hope that helps. If it doesn’t, I don’t know what to do, since I still haven’t found a way to pay for the brake pipes that needs fixing. I wish I could afford to have a new car all the time, so that I didn’t need to worry about all of these things!

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