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Yet another weekend nearly over

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, November 25, 2007 19:42:02

It’s Sunday evening again, I hate how fast the weekends go by! As I’ve said earlier, I wish I could work two days a week and have the rest off, instead of the other way around like it is today. But I would obviously get paid for working five days, like it is now πŸ™‚

I’ve finally sold the telly I won this summer. Got NOK 3.000,- for it, not too bad. Since my camera isn’t working properly at all times, this money will be put into buying a new one, hopefully within a couple of weeks.

I’ve bought a few more Christmas presents, but I’m behind on that. Usually by this time, I’ve finished buying almost everything except for those that don’t know what they want, but the bachelor weekend and the wedding have taken most of my time the last weeks, so I really need to put in some effort when it comes to presents now.

Work had it’s yearly Christmas party yesterday, and I went there. As we are about 500 employees totally on two sites and we usually have the Christmas party together, I have just attended one Christmas party earlier during these 7 years, it gets too crowded for my liking. But this year we were divided, which suited me nicely.
When I’m going somewhere, I like to get there about 10-15 minutes before it all starts, so I drove early yesterday. But there had been a change of weather and snow was falling down in buckets, so instead of using 25 minutes to town, I used about 40 and came running in just in time. Had a great evening with lots of good Christmas food, talking and dancing. K was the entertainment for everyone around her, even though I’m sure she hadn’t planned it that way πŸ™‚ Dragged the B-brothers (J and M) out on the dancefloor, it’s nice to see you out there πŸ™‚
These types of arrangements or parties tends to be a bit crowded, with people pushing you in all directions. But yesterday I discovered that some of the physical contact actually was nice, since I don’t get a lot of that during ordinary days. You know the thing: someone puts his or her arm around you when talking, someone sits close to you, stuff like that.
Climbed into bed at about 2:30 am (with only Arkas of course πŸ˜‰ ).

As I’ve written in the heading of this blog, I’d be happy if you would leave comments to my entries. That way I know that more than one (hi J!) is reading πŸ™‚

I’m in a completely sentimental mood today, and I’d like to share a new song with you. Came across this by accident a few weeks back, and I just love it. Hope you love it as well! Josh Groban – She’s out of my life. Hope the next week of work, shopping and preparing for Christmas will get me into a more cheerful mood…

Wedding weekend

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, November 21, 2007 20:28:43

November 15
Got up at 7
am and had a cup of tea, placed the bags in the car and said goodbye to Arkas.
Left at 8:25 am and had a few stops along the way to fill up on gas and food.
Was a bit concerned about the Haukeli tunnel, as I’ve heard for weeks that
they’re doing repairs inside the tunnel and we have to drive in a queue through
it. But they only let this queue through every three hours, so I was afraid
that I’d have to wait for three hours when I got there. But as I approached the
tunnel, they had just let the cars from my side through and the guy that was
supposed to drive last and have control of us let me through. So lucky that I
didn’t get there a minute later!
Arrived at
SV and B’s house at 7:15 pm and said hello to B’s mother I and B’s maid of
honour L. SV was still at work at that time.
We started
making the folders that would be placed in front of each seat. A name tag was
placed on the front of the folder, and inside was the seating chart, the menu
and songs. There was a lot of folding involved, some cutting and some trying
and failing, but we got a long way that night. With 73 guests coming, there was
lots to be done.
SV came
home from work and I went with him to pick up the wedding car, a Mercedes.
Went to bed
about 1 am on SV and B’s sofa and had a good nights sleep.

November 16
Woke up
about 7 am and went down to Haugesund with SV to get a few things done. Got
back to their house and continued with the folders. B’s younger sister KH had
arrived with her husband E, B’s father L came by plane late last night. We soon
discovered that we didn’t have enough ribbons for the folders, so E was sent to
Haugesund to get more. But we did finish them, and after dinner and me having a
shower, a few of us went to the party location to place the folders. We had to
do some rearranging but got it right eventually.
I drove to
SV’s boat house since I was to stay there for the rest of the weekend. Went to
bed about midnight.

November 17
Slept like
a baby and woke up at 7:30 am. Did a few preparations and drove into Haugesund
for the appointment at the hairdresser at 10 am. B was already there and L came
after a while. SV drove my car to the hotel and I met him there just after 12
pm. We and I drove to the church with a flower arrangement, then to his house
where I got off and we picked up SV’s suit. Then we drove to his mothers house
where his brother TE and his brother in law S started cleaning and decorating
the car while we got dressed. Got to church about half an hour before it all
wedding march
(the video is NOT from the wedding, it’s just something I found on Youtube so that you know which march I’m talking about) startet, the doors opened and SV’s daughter C and B’s daughter P
and son H came in. B and L followed right behind them. I took a look at SV and
could see how proud he was over the woman he was about to marry. The children
sat down on the stairs, and the priest started talking. We all sang a psalm
(Herre Gud ditt dyre navn og Γ¦re) before SV’s mother M read from the Bible. KH sang You Take My Breath Away and
the priest continued with the personal things about SV and B. Then they said I
do at the right places, I gave SV the rings which they had problems getting on
eachother fingers (just gave us all a laugh) and then they kneeled. After this,
Jan Toft (in Norwegian) (SV’s second cousin) and KH sang Tir n’a noir (this is the original version with Jan Toft and Rita Eriksen) (this is an English version I’ve never heard before, but it’s very good and true to the original) and Jan continued with a
psalm (Leid milde ljos). The priest congratulated the bride and groom, and SV got a Bible which
he handed over to me before we all walked out to Wagners wedding march (again NOT from the wedding).
It was a
cold day, but they stood on the top of the chuch stairs for a while whilst
everybody got to take pictures, and then I drove them and L to the photographer
at 4 pm. Drove to the party location (click on Festlokale on the left for pictures) about 5:45 and the dinner was to start at
The chef
from Paul & K has developed this new way of serving appetizers where the
waiters actually feed us with table spoons. So before we sat down, we were
served one spoon of chevre with black pepper and black currant jam (just fine),
one spoon of smoked salmon with horse raddish cream, capelin roe and gherkins
(wonderful), and one spoon of king prawns with sweet chilli sauce and garlic mayonnaise
(extremely wonderful).
Then we all
sat down. I was seated next to SV’s mother M’s fiance C, and a also talked a
lot with SV’s aunt M.
B’s mother
I gave the welcome speach and we were served pan fried scallops (that SV had
caught himself) with roquette salad and garlic butter as the first course.
Extremely wonderful, could have eaten at least ten more of those! Then B’s
father gave his speach, it was touching to see how moved he was over giving his
last daughter away. The second course was ravioli of langoustine with sauteed
leeks, truffle oil and lobster sauce. This one was also extremely wonderful! M
continued with her speach to SV, and that speach was just as touching as L’s.
Ended off with a song she had written for SV. The next course was a filet of
halibut with olive tapenade and tomato compote with olive oil, tapioca and
fennel. Tasted wonderful! Then there was a lovely speach from SV to B, and a
just as lovely speach from B to SV. The fourth course was a bresaola of deer
with mushroom, french beans, dried cranberries and sauce porto. Tasted
extremely wonderful, and I was so happy when we got more of that! L’s speach
came after this, a wonderful speach about how she and B met and what they had
been through. Then it was my turn… I got laughs after the first section,
laughs and applause after the second and third section and laughs a couple of
times again, so I couldn’t be more pleased. SV was pleased with the speach, and
lots of people congratulated me both later that evening and the next day, so I
must say that I’m very proud of myself! Then it was time for the fifth course,
which was chocolate mousse with orange zest, chocolate brownie, roasted fig,
biscotti, prune and armagnac icecream. Tasted just fine, but had too much spice
in it for my liking. B’s older sister TK also said a few words and we sang a
song that she and KH had written for their sister. The dinner ended with M’s
fiance C saying thank you for dinner.
brother TE was toast master, and he did an excellent job the entire evening. Great
introductions for all the speaches, great small pieces of information about the
party and lots of funny stories about marriage that he had found on the
After about
4 hours at the table, it was time to walk around and chat a bit while the biggest
room was transformed into a seating and dancing area. First there was the
wedding dance which they got through without any problems. Then KH sang
Songbird before there was the cutting of the cake, a wonderful layer cake with
cream and strawberries. SV’s brother TE and sister EK had prepared a slide show
of some kind, but due to some techical problems, they didn’t get the chance to
show it. So EK told us a bit about what it was about and she would give it to
SV some day instead.
Had a short
photo shoot with everyone involved, such as parents, sisters and brothers and
maid of honour and best man before B threw the bouquet (not usually done in
Norway). L caught it, well she got it just because she’s getting married in
February. Then SV took B’s garter and threw it, and (of course) A, L’s fiance,
got that πŸ™‚
I drove the
bride and groom to the hotel and then drove myself home. Went to bed at about 3
am, didn’t bother to do anything about my hair or makeup at that time.

November 18
Woke up at
about 7:30 pm. A bit early, but couldn’t go back to sleep. Talked to mum for a
while, and congratulated Arkas with his 10th birthday. It was hard not being
there with him… Both my makeup and my hair was just as great as it had been
when i fell asleep, but I removed the makeup and 23 pins from my hair. Took
about half an hour to comb all of the hair spray out, but it was worth it.
Drove to
the hotel for breakfast, met several from the wedding. SV and B came down
eventually, they had had a wonderful night πŸ˜‰ A few of the guests and myself
drove to the party location to get the presents, I ended up driving B home
together with the flowers and the wedding cake.
They had
invited everyone home that day, so there was people coming and going at all
times. Then suddenly we realized that one car with gifts was missing, everybody
thought that somebody else was driving it home, so it was parked by the party
location unlocked! SV called a friend and asked him to go down and lock it,
which he did. I got the keys and checked it when I drove to town later that
afternoon, and SV picked it up sometime during the evening. Nothing stolen
I went to
spend a few hours with my friend K, we just relaxed at her place chatting and
eating a pizza. Went home and to bed at about 10 pm.

November 19
Got up at 7
am, had a cup of tea and left a sunny Haugesund at 8:15. No problems over the
mountain this time eiter, and drove down from the mountain in fog, which
followed me all the way home. Had a few stops along the way and parked at my
house at 5:30 pm after driving a total of 1300 kilometers since I left Thursday
morning. Mum and A was waiting for me, they had had a nice weekend at my place,
taking care of Arkas. Great seeing him again, but he was more interested in the
smell Diesel (K’s dog) had left on me πŸ™‚ But I gave him a toy as a
birthdaypresent, and he seemed to enjoy it. Unpacked, read the newspapers and
watched a bit of telly before going to bed at about 10:30.

November 20
Woke up
with a headace and feeling extremely tired, so I called work and told them I’d
stay home today. Have just stayed around the house relaxing.
I’ve got
mixed feelings about the wedding being over. Have spent so many months
preparing for this, that it’s almost sad it’s over. But at the same time I’m so
pleased that everything went so fine, except the fact that everything took a
bit more time than they had scheduled, so it got a bit hectic at times. But I
hope they get a long and happy marriage, and I will end this update as I ended
the speach, with the words from the poet Edward Blaylock: I wish the best day
of your past together will be the worst day of your future.

Preparation day

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, November 14, 2007 18:39:34

Today is the last day of getting ready for driving to Haugesund tomorrow. I’ve got most of the things packed, just a few bits and pieces left.
I’m leaving as early as possible tomorrow, and I guess the drive will take as much as 10 hours, possible more depending on what it’s like over the mountain. Can’t say I’m looking forward to driving that road this time of year, but I want to have a car while I’m there, so I just have to live with it.
Mum and A will stay here with Arkas while I’m gone, and they will celebrate Arkas’ 10th birthday. Breakes my heart not being able to spend it with him myself, but I’ll just have to make up for it when I get home. I’m sure he doesn’t mind πŸ™‚
You’ll get a thorough update when I get home of both the wedding and Arkas’ birthday πŸ™‚


Litt om det meste Posted on Sat, November 10, 2007 18:36:43

So what have I been doing the last couple of weeks. Well, nothing much really.

Got a hair cut last Saturday, which started the preparations for the wedding next Saturday. Went to H afterwards, and we went to Toys’R’Us with her daughter E. This means that I’m finished with E’s birthday present, and I’m also finished with the Christmas presents for E, E and A. Yippie!

Got my nails done yesterday, french tip. Looks great, could get used to this and hope they look just as nice at the wedding. Got a facial today, and that wraps up the Kjersti make over for this time. Will have my hair and make up done on the wedding day.

Tomorrow C is coming over to help me with the final things when it comes to the outfit.

The speach is done, what haven’t been written in it by now aren’t worth writing. I hope…

Well, as you see, my days are filled with things about the wedding. If being a best man gives me this much to worry about, I don’t think I ever want to get married myself πŸ˜‰

Have started giving Arkas an fish oil-ish type of thing every morning, hopefully that will prevent his joints from getting stiff. He actually opens his mouth when I take out the bottle, so he knows what’s coming πŸ™‚

Have taken 44 mice now, but thankfully they’ve disappeared from the kitchen. Mum and A will stay here with Arkas while I’m gone, and they will try to close up the room in the basement where I do my laundry.
Read in the local news paper about a week ago about a man living not far from me who gets about 30 mice in traps each week in his garage. That’s really a lot! We’ve put traps in my garage now as well, hopefully that’ll save my car from being eaten more.

Bachelor party-weekend

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, October 31, 2007 19:00:04

October 25
Did the
rest of the packing, double checking that I didn’t forget anything. Put out
Arkas’ things on the kitchen table so mum just could take it when they picked
up Arkas.

October 26
Left for
Oslo Airport Gardermoen just after work at 3:10 pm. The departure wasn’t
scheduled until 7:50 pm, so there was lots of time. I had reserved a parking
space just outside the airport, so that the parking costs wouldn’t be too high.
Found the parking lot eventually (after driving through the actual airport
terminal), and just had to wait about 15 minutes until the bus came and drove
me to the airport (included in the parking fee).

Checked in
my bag to get rid of that and sat down to eat a salad I bought on the way. I
had lots of time on my hands, but as you all know, I like to be anywhere early
instead of rushing and being late. Had another smoke before going to the
security gate which went suprisingly fast, besides the fact that almost every
woman (including myself) had to take our shoes off.

Found the
right gate and sat down to read while. Then I discovered that the flight had
gotten a new departure time, 9:10 pm. Arrrgh!! Started walking up and down
window shopping, bought a bottle of water and sat down again to continue
reading. People were coming and going around me, and I suddenly realized that
the guys from Turboneger sat just across from me. Funny listening to them
talking when you’re used to listening to them almost screaming. Not that I
listen too them a lot, in fact I don’t like their music much. But hey, they’re
celebrities πŸ˜‰

Got up to
check the board again and they had changed gate for the flight, so I went to
the new one. Stood there for a while, saw that the Turboneger-guys came after,
so they obviously were going to Haugesund too. SV called me, and just as I was
talking to him, I saw that yet another departure time was on the board, this
time 9:25 pm. No more delays this time, we took off and SV waited for me at
Haugesund airport.

Drove to
his place and talked for a while before going to sleep. B went to bed before we
came home, she wasn’t feeling too well.

October 27
Didn’t get
much sleep because of some sheep making noise outside the window. Sounded like
they were right beside my bed πŸ˜‰

Got up and
had a nice breakfast together with SV, B and B’s two children, P and H. After
SV had a shower, I dressed him up in army boots, grey/brownish socks, purple
pants, an orange sweater, a pink blouse and a pink ribbon around his head with
a veil attached (actually a curtain). He didn’t seem too pleased with this, but
it’s not his job to be pleased at his bachelor party!

Drove to
the bus station we all had agreed to meet at, and E and K showed up. Expected a
few others, but after calling them, they said they would catch up with us later
on. While I was on the phone outside of the car (SV was still in the drivers
seat), a police car stopped and started talking to SV. They were apparently
looking for a car that to them looked like SV’s car, so they had to check. They
did ask what SV was up to, since he was dressed the way he was πŸ™‚

The weather
was not on our side this day, so instead of walking up and down the shopping
street getting wet, we decided to go to a shopping centre called Markedet. E
broke his glasses almost immediately, so he took SV’s car home to get a new
pair. SV got NOK 200,- and a note book from me with the following task: invest
your money wisely to earn as much as possible by selling things. At the same
time I gave him a pink stuffed dog called Fia that he was to train. He started
out with writing down a poem several times and then bought some roses. For a
while he tried to sell roses with a free poem, but he found out that people
basically wanted just the rose πŸ™‚ For some reason he didn’t enjoy this task
much, so he decided to get his revenge at K and I by dragging us out into the
Well, he
did get rid of every rose (he gave away two), and ended up with NOK 310,50, so
he did a really good job!

Met up with
E and drove to get some lunch. Then we drove to Ravnafloke where we were to
meet another K (from here called Kr). He works at Ravnafloke and had helped me
all through the preparations for this bachelor party. We waited for a little
while to see if more people was joining us, but nobody came. We all got
harnesses on and went to the course. I’m afraid of hights, so I didn’t really
want to participate, but I took pictures. Somebody has to do that too πŸ˜‰ They
startet off with a bridge with wooden boards which obviously had gaps between
them. Remember this was a rainy day, so all the wood was particualry slippery.
But they all handeled this excellent!

Then they
went to something called the monkey bridge, which is a long line of childrens
swings after oneanother, not connected to eachother. The wind made it even more
difficult, but the only one falling between two swings was E.

there was a wire fastened to the mountain on each side of the bay where they
was to slide over from one side to another (called the tyrolian traverse). Kr
tried to pursuade me to try it by telling me how safe it is and how proud I
would be of myself, but just standing on the cliff made me get that creepy
feeling inside, so I refused. But the guys had great fun getting over, besides
K I guess since his rope had twisted itself, so he didn’t get enough speed and
had to drag himself over.

is established on the grounds of an old fortress-like area, so before we did
the next thing, Kr took us for a walk, explaining how things had been there
during the second world war. Really interesting, and weird to know that people
actually had lived there for long periods of time.

The next
task was an obstacle race. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough people to divide
us into two teams, but we took it as a challenge anyway. I’m not going to
explain every obstacle, but we had great fun and we really worked as a team.
Well…I just did was I was told and tried my best of not breaking any rules so
we’d have to start over (which we just had to do a couple of times, but that
wasn’t my fault). I broke into a giggle 2 meters up in the air and had a
difficult time getting down again, but it was fun, and I think everyone enjoyed
the race too.

We were
pretty tired when this was over, so we just sat down and talked for a while,
waiting for more people to show up. Started eating a nice casserole when SM and
another E (from here called El) came, and H came just after them.

A week
before the bachelor party, I called B (SV’s wife to be) and asked her 10
questions. SV’s task was to guess what B had answered, and he had to have a
drink for every wrong answer. Great fun, but SV and B know eachother way too
good, so he didn’t get to drink much.

The next
task was the following: During the evening I got statements from all the
participants, something about themselves that’s true but something that SV
might not know about them or not remember. SV got these pieces of paper and was
to find out which belonged to whom. For every wrong guess, he had to drink.
Well, now were talking, the boy started do get a bit drunk! He found out that
most of the statements could fit E, and when there was only two pieces left, he
couldn’t find out which belonged to El and me. He guessed wrong! πŸ˜‰

chatting for a while, we decided to go to some pubs. K wanted to go home and Kr
had to lock up after us, so he stayed back. So H drove E to a pub and K home
before going home and waiting for us. SV and I drove El and SM to the pub and
then drove to H to pick him up. I borrowed the bathroom for a quick change of
clothes and we talked a short while with M, H’s girlfriend. El and SM had
decided to go to another pub than we agreed, so we met them there while E was
at the pub we first agreed on. SV went to find E, but he had gone to a gas
station and called his girlfriend so she could pick him up and get him home. He
was not in a very good shape at that time, having had far too much whiskey.
The rest of
us stayed out for a couple of hours, just relaxing and chatting. SV and H had a
little something to eat before we drove H home and then we got home too. Went
straight to bed after a long but great day.

I’m a bit
disappointed by the ones saying that they’d come but didn’t, but as long as SV
had a great time, I don’t demand anything more. And he said that the things we
did at Ravnafloke was actually things he’d hoped we’d do.

October 28
Woke up
pretty early because of the sheep again and found SV sleeping on the sofa while
B’s children P and H was watching cartoons. Sat down and watched together with
them, H eventually got up in my lap to cuddle. That’s so cute! B had a terrible
headache this day, so she stayed in bed most of the time until I left.

After yet
another great breakfast, SV drove me to the airport, the flight left at 2:30
pm. The weather was terrible this day as well, so I had an uncomfortable flight
home. Picked up my bag and took the bus back to the parking lot where my car
was just where I left it. The drive home wasn’t more comfortable than the
flight, due to lots of rain and wind, but I was home just after 7 pm, where mum
and A waited for me. They had dropped off Arkas and also started heating the

The evening
ended with a quick shower and then bed.

Mice and music

Litt om det meste Posted on Fri, October 19, 2007 18:46:58

23 mice this week and counting! Mum and A has been here several times this week to empty the traps and to try to close the cracks the mice get through in my kitchen. Some places have been more difficult than others, but they’re getting there. They’ll be back on Monday to continue with a small room in the basement.
So far this autumn we’ve taken 25 mice in traps and 1 that died due to the poison we put out. Heard about a house on a hill not far from me where they had gotten 30 mice in traps within a week. A wants to beat that record, I hope that there won’t be that many mice in my house!

Want to share a music video with you again. This song was performed by a guy on Norwegian Idol, and after a bit of a search, I found out who has it originally, and I just love it. Makes me smile, love the rythm, and the challenge of learing the lyrics. Enjoy!
Jason Mraz – I’m Yours

Sunday afternoon again

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, October 14, 2007 18:54:47

Lately it seemes like the weeks only has Sundays and Mondays. Sundays are being spent wondering where the weekend went, Mondays are being spent in frustration since Friday is so far away. Okay, so the week consists of Mondays, Fridays and Sundays πŸ™‚

Went to the vet with Arkas on Tuesday, wanted them to take a look at his eyes. He’s got cataract (grΓ₯ stΓ¦r in Norwegian) on both eyes, something that’s normal when dogs get old. It is possible to operate this, even after he becomes blind, so I’ve decided to wait and see how it developes. He doesn’t have any problems with poorer sight yet, but if he loses his sight fast and otherwise is in good health, I’ll probably get the operation.
I know he’s getting older, I can see that his fur is getting grey, I can see that he gets tired faster when playing or taking a long walk, but this was hard nevertheless.

H came home from hospital on Wednesday. According to her husband, she was in great shape, so I went to see her yesterday. She gets tired more easily now, and generally has to take it easy due to the stitches, but she really is in good shape considering what she’s been through. And the operation was a success, so she can stop some of her medication when she’s fully recovered after this surgery.

Today has been a really bad day when it comes to mice. The first one ran behind the fridge when I got up this morning, the second one ran around on my kitchen bench, and the third sat on the stove. Makes me want to move far away and not return until every crack in the entire house is gone. There is a open space between the stove and the wall that I got rid of by putting up a couple of small boards. Doesn’t look nice at all, but I don’t care anymore, I just want a kitchen where it’s safe to make food.

Haven’t worked on my cross stitch for a couple of weeks now, just can’t be bothered with it. So now I know for sure that it won’t be finished this Christmas.

One year older

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, October 07, 2007 20:16:12

My birthday on Thursday was filled with lots of people wishing me Happy birthday by text message, video message and by calling me. Really wonderful to know that so many people thinks of me πŸ™‚
Quite early in the morning I got a text message from H’s husband M, and I used the opportunity to check how H was doing after the surgery the day before. He told me that she had gone into surgery again, because she got a bleeding in an artery when they took out the drain tubes from her chest (hope you understand what I mean). I asked him to let me know when she was out from surgery and awake again, and I waited and waited, but didn’t hear anything.
Drove home after work and did the last preparations before the guest was arriving. Didn’t expect a lot of people this year due to different things. My mum and A came first. I didn’t think I’d get more presents from them, since I got the ticket for Lord of the Dance last Saturday, but I got two laundry baskets and money. They’re too kind!
Then, to my surprise, SE and his daugther E came. Didn’t think they’d come, since S was at a meeting at work, but it was very nice. E kept me busy for an hour with games and helping her make a tent with chairs and blankets πŸ™‚ From them I got chains for the hanging candle holders for tealights I bought in August and a gift sertificate at a book store, there are a couple of books coming later this year that I want.
Just as they came, I got another picture message on my phone, opened it, and it was M sending me a picture of H lying in the hospital bed waving at me. Something inside me bursted and I just started crying in reliefe that she was fine and awake. I’d been so tense the whole week, worrying about her and the surgery, so I just couldn’t help myself.
C came a bit later, she had also been at the meeting at work together with S. I got my present (both birthday and Christmas present) from her in May, it was a ticket to see Josh Groban in Oslo, so I hadn’t expected anything from her. But she came with a large wooden board with the name of my house carved out. Her husband R had made it, and it’s just lovely.
We all had a wonderful evening with my mothers delicious chocolate cake and tea and lots of talking. Got to bed way too late, and spent the whole of Friday with a head ace, but it was worth it πŸ™‚

Haven’t done much this weekend really. Did some laundry today, have read alot. Asked M yesterday how H was, and if the doctors was pleased with the surgery. She’s just fine, they had been moved to the hospital in Fredrikstad and her heart is now completely as it should be. He thought they’d soon be home again, can’t wait to see her.

As far as I can figure out, I’m finished with planning the bachelor party. Sent out the last emails and text messages yesterday, and just have a little shopping left and one phone call to do. So now I have to concentrate on the speach for the wedding.

I’ve bought the first Christmas present! I’m good at starting early, but not this early. But I have to divide the costs, so I hope I’ll find more great gifts before December sets in.

H’s surgery and more

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, October 03, 2007 18:47:02

Just a quick word this time.

H’s surgery was scheduled for Monday 1, but the doctors wasn’t happy with her INR, so they moved it to Tuesday 2. Spent all of yesterday being worried, wondering how the surgery went, but got a text message from M (H’s husband) in the afternoon, saying that they had moved the surgery to today, due to the INR again. I was just as worried today, but finally got a text message from M this afternoon, saying that the H was fine, and that he was going in to see her. I’m so relieved! Can’t wait to see her again, but she’ll probably spend a few days in the hospital before she comes home.

Mum and A was here on Monday and helped me to clean the car, hopefully with no mice as the result. But we were wrong, the mice came back sometime last night or this morning πŸ™

Noticed a worrying sound from the car when I drove home this afternoon. If something more goes wrong with this car, I’m gonna go nuts! I just can’t see where to find the money for fixing it this time, and knowing my luck, it’s not something cheap.

I’m expecting guests tomorrow, so yesterday and today is being spent cleaning and vaccuming. My back hurts, but I don’t have the time to deal with that…

Seems like I’m finished with planning the bachelor party, gonna send out emails and text messages to the participants this weekend to inform them of what’ll happen and the costs.

I hate mice!! Part two

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, September 30, 2007 20:01:38

Yes, I still hate mice. My mothers boyfriend (A) has taken one in a trap in the basement, but one is not enough. He has also put out poison in the basement, and when I came home from work Thursday, a mouse was lying in the middle of my kitchen floor, dying. The poison makes the mice die of thirst, and now I hate myself for making them die such a terrible death. I had to ask the neighbour to get rid of it for me, which he thankfully did.
My car is slowly turning into pieces, it’s obvious that the mice is having a wonderful time. So tomorrow my mum and A are coming to me after work, we’ll have to empty the car and clean it, hopefully that will help.

Yesterday evening was spent in Oslo with mum and A. Originally I bought them tickets for a Bobby Bare concert, but it was cancelled. So we got tickets for a Lord of the Dance show instead, and they bought the ticket for me as a birthday present. I’ve seen Riverdance twice earlier, and I just love them. Lord of the Dance is just as great, but a bit more fancy in a way. I hoped to see more Irish costumes, and not that much other types of dance mixed into the show.

Went to see H yesterday before I went to Oslo. She’s going to Oslo for the heart surgery tomorrow. Great seeing her again, and her daughter E. I’m crossing my fingers and everything else tomorrow, hoping that everything turnes out fine.

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