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First weekend alone in ages

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, February 10, 2008 10:38:22

The last couple of weeks have passed by without much going on. Work is as usual, and the evenings are spent watching telly or talking. E has the kids for the first time this weekend, and they’ve had a great time it seems. I know he’s missed them, so it’s great that they’ve got a plan for when he’s gonna have them for the next few weeks.
It’s been strange being alone this weekend, I can’t remember how I got through the weekends earlier. But I did 3 machines of laundry yesterday and have a few things that needs to be done today before I drive to the city to pick up E and then visit my mum, since it’s Mothers Day today.

It’s getting closer to Easter now, and I’m really looking forward to a few days off work. We don’t know if E is going to have the kids during Easter yet, so we haven’t made any plans, except that I want to take a trip to Nordens Ark as usual. And T and M are coming to visit me on March 25, can’t wait to see them! I hope to visit Australia some day, but that can take some time.

I can’t remember the last time I felt so good about life as I do now. I really enjoy every single day, and I’m looking forward to each and every day. I’m feeling loved and wanted, and it’s all because of E. And as I’ve mentioned earlier, I think that one of the reasons that I feel so sure about this, is that we were friends before we got together, and that we’ve managed to stay friends. I’ve never experienced that before, and I love that feeling of having my boyfriend as one of my best friends.
The only thing that makes the start of this relationship more difficult than it should be, is the situation itself. E and A have a lot of things to sort out, and they hardly ever agree on anything. There are days when I want to throw E’s mobile phone away, there are days that I just don’t want to face the world, and there are days that I just want to sit in a corner and cry. But I know it’s worth it to get through this. And I do feel sorry for A, she’s in a position she never thought she’d be, and even though I don’t agree with most of the things she’s doing to cope, it’s still just that she’s trying to do: cope. But I hope that she’ll find a new way of life soon, and that she’ll be as happy as I am.

I’ve forgotten to mention that the story about H was in the weekly magazine Hjemmet a couple of weeks back. I’ve been around her for the most of the time since the stroke, but it was still extremely touching to read the story. Haven’t seen her in ages, mental note to self that I should visit her soon.

Well, that’s it for this time. Feel free to leave a comment as usual! ๐Ÿ™‚
And to all the mothers out there: Happy Mothers Day!

Another Sunday evening

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, January 27, 2008 19:53:20

On Thursday, E and I went to check out a sofa that the owners were giving away for free, we just had to pick it up. It was more than ok for E’s needs, so we agreed to pick it up on Friday. Talked to mum and A, and they would help us with a car with a tow bar, and we could borrow E’s brother in law’s trailer.
Met up with mum and A on Friday after work and got the trailer. It became one of the most hilarious drives I’ve ever been a part of, since the trailer was jumping at all times and the car was jumping as well. We were all afraid that the trailer would jump off the tow bar, since all security equipment was broken, but it went well thankfully. Got the sofa and drove to E’s apartment, where the land lord would meet us, since E won’t get the keys until next Friday. We were early (as usual when my mum and I are involved), so we unloaded the sofa and E would wait there while mum, A and I returned the trailer and I got my car. It was quite a struggle to get the sofa up and into the apartment, but we made it. Drove home and went to bed early.
E woke up at 6:10 am on Saturday, something he is extremey embarrassed about ๐Ÿ˜‰ Went to Sarpsborg to pick up 7 pairs of shoes that my mum handed in to the shoemaker for me a few weeks back. Went to Nordby and then home, and had a relaxing afternoon and evening, watching Band of Brothers on dvd and a couple of shows later on.
I woke up early today (6:40 am), and we’ve done a few things around the house besides eating a wonderful dinner and also continued watching Band of Brothers.


Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, January 20, 2008 08:03:58

Sorry that I haven’t written for a while, but things have happened and I’m not online much these days.

E and I are now a couple, and I can’t remember the last time I felt so happy. Everything seems right, I so much enjoy being around him and he makes me feel wanted. A lot of the things I’ve struggled with in previous relationships are gone with the wind, and I just love the fact that we were friends in the start and have been able to bring that friendship into the relationship. That’s not something I’m used to, and I think that I finally can understand a bit of the bond that several of my friends have with their boyfriends/husbands.
He is still living here, he won’t get the flat until Febuary 1. It’ll be strange not having him around all the time, but he and the children needs time to get used to a new way of living, and I need to get to know the children before he and I start living together.
I must say that this is obviously not the best start of a relationship, since he and A aren’t finished sorting out everything they have to. But if our relationship is ment to be (something I honestly think it is), we’ll get throught this.

I thought last year that it would be a while before I needed to get more things done on my car, but I was wrong. And now I’ve only got a few months to do it, so I just hope I’ll find the money to get it done in time. It’s a break pipe (or whatever you call it in English) that needs replacement.

I didn’t get the job I talked about in my last entry, but that’s ok really. Just have to search and apply whenever something interesting comes along.

I’ve now realized that if I don’t write something about me loving to get comments on my entries, nobody comments, so here goes again: I love getting comments on my entries, so feel free ๐Ÿ™‚

A few words

Litt om det meste Posted on Mon, January 07, 2008 21:15:41

to say that everything is fine with me.

Nothing much has happened the last week. Getting back to work was just as expected…ok to get back to normal but boring as usual.
The weekend went by with doing bits and pieces around the house. E was of great help with several things, and I must say that getting rid of the Christmas tree was much easier as long as there were two of us in comparison to last year when I did it alone. We got snow on Saturday night, but the mild weather makes it melt. Annoying!

Talked with J for a while yesterday morning, great as always, and thankfully I didn’t struggle as much with my English as I did the last time ๐Ÿ˜‰

Went to C for about an hour yesterday evening, it’s amazing to see how big A has gotten since the last time I saw her, which is about a month ago.

Was at a job interview today, which went fine. But I guess I’ll say no if they offer me the job, since the salary is lower than what I’ve got today and it’ll take years until I get up to my current level.

Happy New Year!

Litt om det meste Posted on Tue, January 01, 2008 11:15:23

Time to write again.

This Christmas turned out a little bit different than what I expected.
Christmas eve was nice and quiet. Mum came at 1:30 pm and made an excellent dinner: turkey, gravy, potatoes, waldorf salad and brussels sprouts. Just as wonderful as always!
On Tuesday A called me and told me that E had left her. I was shocked and talked to her for a little while without being able to give her the answers she hoped to get. Talked a bit with E on msn in the evening. I feel so sorry for them both; her for not knowing that this was happening, him for making this decision even though he thinks he’s done the right thing. It’s not easy to break up even though you want it.
Talked to E a bit on msn on Wednesday morning, where he told me that he didn’t have a place to stay until he gets a flat, and after a bit thinking, I offered him my guest room if he agreed to get to know Arkas. That wasn’t a problem for him, so I picked him up in the city. Spent the evening talking.
On Thursday I introduced E to Arkas, and after 15 minutes of playing, they were the best of buddies. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I thought the dog wasn’t the same dog I’ve been living with for almost 10 years, and he even fell asleep under the table later in the evening, something he hardly does when it’s just me and him here! Went to H for a Christmas dinner in the evening. Had a great time with lots of good food and talking, and I can’t stop smiling when around that cute little girl of hers ๐Ÿ™‚
Friday was spent doing absolutely nothing, just talking, watching telly and movies and listening to music. I must say it’s strange to have another person in the house, but it feels nice to be able to help.
The weather has been terrible this Christmas with both heavy rain and strong wind, so Saturday was also spent inside, just getting Arkas to do his business was a struggle.
But the nice and cooler weather came on Sunday, and we took a walk around Elgรฅfossen (a waterfall not far from me) and took some pictures. The ground was soaking wet, but it was nice to let my body work a bit again.
E had to work on New Years Eve, so I drove him there and continued reading the last Harry Potter-book in Norwegian while waiting for him. Read the book in English when it came last summer, but I like reading them in Norwegian too. Drove E to A’s and went to pick up a cell phone SV had bought. I then went to mum’s, they returned home from Denmark on Friday and I wanted to say hello to her. Picked up E and drove home, and spent the evening eating far too much of a wonderful dinner of baked potatoes with lots of stuff on the side, watched Beverly Hills Cop (haven’t seen it since it was new hundreds and hundreds of years ago) and took care of Arkas. He is scared to death for fire works and stayed in the sofa when the sparkling and loud sounds was on its worst. I hate seing him that way, I so much want to help him and comfort him, but I know that only makes it worse. But luckily he settled down quite fast when I went to bed, and he’s having a sleepy morning today ๐Ÿ™‚
The most laughable text message I got during New Years Eve, was from my friend M. Talked to her today, and she has no idea on what she actually wanted to say, so this is just as difficult to understand for those of you that know Norwegian as it is for those of you that doesn’t know Norwegian ๐Ÿ™‚ The text message was like this: Ny godk รคr til feg myn. lol!!!
Today is the last day of vacation, I’m going back to work tomorrow and know that a lot of work is waiting for me. But after such a lazy vacation, I guess it’ll be ok to get back to work and get back to the normal way of living again.

I wish that all my loved ones gets a wonderful 2008, that all their dreams and hopes and wishes comes true and that only good things will happen to you all. Happy New Year!

The night before the night

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, December 23, 2007 19:29:50

Well, what have I been doing the last week? The only “happening” was on Friday really. We had decided on the team I work with that everyone should dress up or wear a Santas hat, and so we did. Had a wonderful day with cakes and talking and very little working. Drove straight to mum afterwords, since her, A, a couple they know and I was going to the Christmas concert we go to every year. The difference this year was that they didn’t have a concert in Halden, so we had to go to Fredrikstad and Glemmen church instead, so we had about 45 minutes to drive. The concert was great (as always), and I was back home at about 9 pm. Watched some telly and got online and chatted with a few people. E decided to visit me in the middle of the night, being drunk and falling asleep in the cab didn’t make it easier for him. But we talked for a while before he fell asleep on my sofa, and I drove him home yesterday.

Visited my fathers grave and put down a rose yesterday. It’s nearly 25 years since he died, so usually it don’t affect me to go to the grave, but yesterday was quite an emotional day apparently, so I stayed there for a while, crying and talking to him. It’s strange how I still miss him after all these years, but in a weird way it’s good to miss him too.
E came over last night so that we could catch up a bit and exchange presents. I miss the time when she lived in Halden, we don’t see much of eachother nowadays. But it’s nice to talk when we can.

This day started with talking to J on Skype for about two hours. J: I’m sorry that my tounge didn’t work properly today, I promise you that I’ll try better next time we talk. lol It’s always great to talk with her, and we always find topics that makes me have to look words up, which I learn a lot from. Hopefully the “new” words will stick in my head until I need them again ๐Ÿ™‚
I finished putting out all the Christmas ornaments today, and I also moved some firewood from the shed to the porch. C came over to help me with the Christmas tree, so I finished decorating that when she had left. All I’ve got left now is cleaning up the kitchen and vacuuming the first floor before my mum comes tomorrow at about 1 pm.

From my heart, I wish you all a wonderful and peaceful Christmas celebration, wether you celebrate tomorrow or on Tuesday. May you all have your loved ones with you, either in person or in your hearts, and may you all get something you wished for.

It’s true what they say,

Litt om det meste Posted on Wed, December 19, 2007 19:29:03

the good guys are either unavailable or gay… *sigh*

Weekly update

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, December 16, 2007 19:08:28

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday went by without anything special happening. Just the normal days of work, telly and online time.

Thursday December 13:
This was J’s last day at work. Felt awful the whole day, hated the fact that one more great colleague was leaving us, but at the same time I felt happy on his behalf since he’s gotten a new job.
Work has a tradition of celebrating Saint Lucy’s Day, where the teamleaders walk through the call centre with lights, singing Santa Lucia. Afterwords they hand out a pastry called Lussekatt to each of us together with glรธgg.
Just after lunch, the team had a gathering at a meeting room to say goodbye to J. I said a few words and handed over gifts from us. We had made a photo album with pictures from previous parties, and he got a bottle of cognac and a cognac glass. Said the final goodbye to him just before I left work, and at that time I couldn’t hold back the tears. If you’re reading this J: I’ll keep in touch with you, wether you like it or not ๐Ÿ˜‰
Went to the dentist, and then to H for E’s 1st birthday. I just can’t believe that a year has gone by since E was born and H had her stroke! Sat there for a couple of hours, took a few pictures of E and went when the guests arrived.

Friday December 14:
Left work after just 3 1/2 hours for my half yearly check up at the hospital. She couldn’t find anything, but she took some tests and will call me if there’s something wrong. But she said than since nothing has happened by now, it’s most likely that nothing will happen at all. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she’s right about that!

Saturday December 15:
Woke up at 6 am, can’t for the life of me figure out why! But I got to do a few things around the house and chatted with J a bit on msn, I don’t talk to her as much as I’d like to, but that’s because of the major time difference.
Picked up C at noon, and drove to S before heading to Oslo. Did some Christmas shopping, so now I don’t have anymore presents to buy! Also bought these boots, just couldn’t help myself… ๐Ÿ˜‰ We walked to Big Horn and had scampi for appetizers. I had surf and turf as a main course, meat and scampi. The steak was one of the best I’ve ever had! Then we went to see Ingrid Bjรธrnov‘s show “Til Elise?”, which was great. I’m too young to remember many of the things she talked about, but she has so many good points that you laugh anyway. And the way she plays the piano…well, I wish I hadn’t stopped learning the piano 20 years ago.
Was home about midnight and went straight to bed.

Between being online and watching the final in the 2007 Women’s Handball World Championships (which Norway lost to Russia), I’ve gotten more Christmas ornaments out on shelves and tables and wrapped more presents. Still doesn’t feel like Christmas though.

I get a smile on my face everytime I see someone has commented, so thank you and keep up the good work!

Where is my Christmas mood?

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, December 09, 2007 11:23:32

Have anyone seen my Christmas mood? I’ve searched everywhere, but I can’t find it. I’ve played Christmas songs for a week, I’ve put up Christmas curtains and candles, I’ve gotten some of the Christmas ornaments out of their boxes, but my Christmas mood haven’t jumped out of any closet yet. I’ve wrapped Christmas presents, I’ve bought Christmas presents, I’ve had a bottle of Christmas soda, but my Christmas mood is yet to be found. Can anyone tell me where to look or what to do?

This week have been quiet, next week will be the opposite of quiet (loud? lol). Dentist, hospital, birtday, concert and shopping. But I’m looking forward to most of it ๐Ÿ™‚

Just love it when I get comments, so keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ™‚

This week

Litt om det meste Posted on Sun, December 02, 2007 18:56:10

Haven’t been doing anything besides the usual this week. But I have had quite a sentimental week though, which is typical for me when I’ve had a good time at a party or something like that. I can’t decide if I should just live with it or stop going to parties, any advice is welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

When my camera kept giving me error messages at the wedding two weeks ago, I decided that it is time to buy a new one. Ordered it on Tuesday and picked it up at the post office yesterday. Have read alot in the manual in order to learn the things I knew from the old camera, and I’m slowly getting there.

Thanks for the comment on my previous entry, keep ’em coming! ๐Ÿ™‚

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